2 Diabetic Recipes - Cookies
1. Apple Raisin Oatmeal Cookies
1 1/4 c Equal® Spoonful*
1 c unsweetened applesauce**
1/2 c firmly packed brown sugar
6 tbsp stick butter, softened
1 large egg
1/3 c 2% milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 c all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 c quick or old-fashioned oats, uncooked
1 c raisins
Combine Equal®, applesauce, brown sugar, butter, egg, milk and vanilla. Mix with electric mixer until well blended. Stir in combined flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Gradually mix in oats and raisins until well combined. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto sprayed baking sheets. Bake in preheated 350°F oven 10 to 12 minutes or until light golden in color. Remove from baking sheet and cool completely on wire rack. Store in airtight containers at room temperature.
*May substitute 30 packets Equal® sweetener.
** Apple butter may be substituted for the unsweetened applesauce.
Makes About 4 Dozen.
Dietary Exchanges: 1 Starch, 1 Fat
Nutrients Per Serving (1 Cookie):
63 Calories
1 g Protein
11 g Carbohydrate
8 mg Cholesterol
43 mg Sodium
Recipe provided courtesy of Merisant Corporation® and the NutraSweet Company, makers of Equal®
2. Cream Cheese and Jelly Cookies (Diabetic)
3/4 c margarine, softened
1 (8-oz) package reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
2 1/2 tsp Equal® for Recipes or 8 packets Equal® sweetener or 1/3 cup Equal® Spoonful™
2 c all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 c black cherry or seedless raspberry spreadable fruit
Beat margarine, cream cheese and Equal® in medium bowl until fluffy; mix in flour and salt to form a soft dough. Cover and refrigerate until dough is firm, about 3 hours. Roll dough on lightly floured surface into circle 1/8-inch thick; cut into rounds with 3-inch cutter. Place rounded 1/4 teaspoon spreadable fruit in center of each round; fold rounds into halves and crimp edges firmly with tines of fork. Pierce tops of cookies with tip of sharp knife. Bake cookies on greased cookie sheets in preheated 350°F oven until lightly browned, about 10 minutes. Cool on wire racks.
Makes About 3 Dozen.
Dietary Exchanges: 1/2 Bread, 1 Fat
Nutrients Per Serving (1 Cookie):
80 Calories
1 g Protein
7 g Carbohydrate
5 g Fat
4 mg Cholesterol
78 mg Sodium
Source: CookieRecipes.com
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4 foods you should stop eating right now
Whether you're a diet-conscious person or someone who wants to get into the habit of healthy eating, there are certain foodstuffs you shouldn't touch if you want to achieve your goal of staying fit! We list a few...
Did you know, soda is loaded with empty calories from high fructose corn syrup? What's more, you should stop drinking soda, because it is known to contribute to obesity and is also likely to increase the risk of diabetes and high-blood pressure in people.
White bread
Made out of maida, white bread is unhealthy because it is, quite literally, bleached! So this process not only rids the bread of its flavour but also of all its essential nutrients. So instead of white bread, opt for a wholesome, whole grain or brown bread for your sandwiches.
Whole dairy
Of course, dairy and dairy products are good for your health, but whole-fat dairy is full of fat and cholesterol. So always choose low-fat dairy and its products, which has all the nutrients you need.
Fast foods
The amount of calories one fast food meal contains is almost equal to the amount of calories one must consume in the entire day! While some of these calories come from protein, most come from the sugar (of the soda) and the fat (usually the burger and fries!) in the food.
By: Purvaja Sawant, TNN
Black Tea Reduce Fat Effectively
7 Food Calories Biggest Sources
Don't Ignore Vitamin D
7 Foods Calories Biggest Sources
We all know that the best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than we consume. Unfortunately, this means that there are only two ways to achieve a healthy weight: eat less or exercise more. Well, if you choose to reduce calories, the easiest way is to know what foods are the largest sources of calories. Here it is:
If you choose to cut calories, you already know how difficult it can reduce your daily calorie intake. Fortunately, there are easy ways to reduce the number of calories consumed throughout the day.
1. Fried breaded

2. Chips and crackers
While working or watching TV, snacking is the most delicious potato chips or other crunchy foods. In fact, chips containing high salt and oil. According to the study, only 15 pieces of potato chips contains 160 calories will lead to weight gain 0.7 kg in four years. In fact, 15 pieces of chips would not be enough for you. This means greater when compared to sweets and dessert which causes a gain of 0.4 kg.
3. Sauce in a bottle
Sauce in a bottle, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, and mayonnaise, all on the list. Bottled ketchup and sauces contain sugar and sodium are high, because they serve as preserved. In fact, add soy sauce or chili sauce is actually just a habit we have. Instead of adding barbecue sauce on chicken or meat, simply sprinkle pepper and salt. It will further highlight the flavor the meat, not flavor the sauce.
4. Canned fruit
Canned fruits such as peaches, pineapple, lychee, or apples, usually packed in a high concentration of sugar syrup. Much better if you choose fresh fruits. If lazy cut fruit, buy it in artisan salad. However, experience with no additional brown sugar sauce.
5. French fries

6. Cakes and pies
Pie and crust (pie crust) calories and high fat. When you buy a pie, you should not have to eat the crust. But if you are used to make pies or other pastries are baked yourself, you can reduce the fat content and calories. For example, by reducing the amount of butter, margarine, sugar, from the one prescribed. Then use low-fat cheese and low-fat milk to replace full cream milk. Add the other ingredients that contain fiber, or natural fruit to add sweetness and fresh.
7. Coffee with the addition of various sweeteners

4 foods you should stop eating right now
Don't Ignore Vitamin D
8 Secrets the Healthiest People in The World
Don't Ignore Vitamin D
As residents of a tropical country, Indonesia should not be deficient in vitamin D. The sun being the main source of ultraviolet rays that make vitamin D beta so vitamin is abundant in the archipelago.
However, increasing the number of buildings in the hustle and bustle of big cities make a lot of kids tend to lose a nutritious morning sunlight. They had to leave before the sun rises to avoid congestion and not many open spaces to play in the home and school environment.
In the big cities, especially in the middle-class safety and environmental concerns make their children are rarely allowed to play outside the house. When the weekend was a lot more kids are invited to the mall, there are also available especially playing facilities.
efficacy large
In fact, the efficacy of vitamin D so extraordinary. A study published in December in the journal Dermato-Endocrinology mentioned, vitamin D helps reduce the risk of developing autism.
Research in several states of the United States took place in 2010 in children aged 6-17 years with varying levels of autism prevalence. Apparently, in those states that many irradiated ultraviolet beta, only half of the cases of autism states that limited summer.
It is not surprising that concerns about vitamin D deficiency continues to increase, particularly those not exposed to the sun all year round. November a month vigilance even vitamin D and various studies conducted with surprising results.
Professor Mitch Blair of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK, December writing in BBC News that half of the number of children and 90 percent of the adult multiethnic population living in the UK are deficient in vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency is known to be associated closely with the emergence of a variety of health problems in children and adults, such as diabetes, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, and rickets: bone disorders that are often found in poor children in the UK.
In New Zealand a lot bathed in sunlight, there Massey University who examined the vitamin D status of children with funding from the Health Research Council of the country. Children aged 2-4 years were recruited during August and September 2012 to see the correlation of vitamin D adequacy with respiratory disorders, skin diseases such as eczema, and allergies.
Research in New Zealand is also important to measure the sun's role in formation of vitamin D because almost all foods in the country are still free from the fortification of vitamin D. Although vitamin D is also found in some foods such as oily fish, eggs, and mushrooms, whereof only 10 percent of the recommendation for adequate intake.
Vitamin D is classified as a steroid hormone production and metabolism lasted just when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light beta. Throughout three decades, vitamin D deficiency is associated with various diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, autoimmunity, and diabetes. However, researchers at Massey University also proved that vitamin D deficiency can lead to insulin resistance which raises diabetes mellitus type 2.
intervention efforts
According to Professor Mitch Blair, efforts to overcome the deficiency of vitamin D should be done in various ways, ranging from providing vitamin D supplements are widely and cheaply to vitamin D fortification in various foods and beverages.
The results of the study Professor Marlena Kruger, still from Massey University, which took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Manila, Philippines, during the year 2007-2008, showed that fortification of vitamin D deficiency is significantly reduced.
In this study, post-menopausal women respondents were asked to drink milk that has been fortified with vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc, whereas respondents drank a placebo containing only control serum parathyroid hormone. Vitamin D levels were measured before and after respondents intervention.
As published in the scientific journal Bone volume 46, March 2010, the results showed that women who drank milk fortified vitamin D deficiency decreases it. In Indonesian women, deficiency dropped from 70 percent to 22 percent and in women in the Philippines dropped from 20 percent to 0 percent. Milk fortified with vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc also successfully increased levels of osteocalcin in the eighth week from 18 percent to 25 percent. Procollagen type I N-propeptide (PINP) also increased in the eighth week from 15 percent to 21 percent.
Both these compounds play a role in bone formation. That is, drink milk regularly, especially those who have fortified-help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
need socialization
Therefore, the socialization role of vitamin D is important. Although Indonesia gets sun most of the year, the above results indicate that there are still many people who have vitamin D deficiency, especially women.
So, first of all people need to understand the role of vitamin D, the impact if any shortfall, and then ways to get adequate vitamin D. The health workers, including health educators, nurses, and doctors, must understand the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and how to overcome them.
From an early age, children should also be encouraged to move out of the room. Therefore, the presence of open space that is safe and comfortable to be important for beta ultraviolet blessing is not in vain.
7 Food Calories Biggest Sources
8 Secrets the Healthiest People in The World
Healthy and Slim with Salsa Dance
8 Secrets the Healthiest People in The World
Everyone has their own way to achieve a healthy and happy life. In the book Integrative Wellness Rules, collected some secret recipe that people have the healthiest in the world. You can adopt it.
1. Make friends with positive people
People around us had a tremendous influence, either good or bad. That's why we encourage you to spend more time with people who have healthy habits that you desire.
2. take a pause
If you had never indulged yourself with a break from a strict diet and vigorous exercise that had lived, then you should do it. Take one day lag will not mess up your efforts so far.
3. Back to nature
There is a reason why the house or apartment near the park overlooking the small forest more expensive. Knowingly or not, the man has ties to nature. Strengthen ties it to spend time walking around the gardens or waterfalls.
4. Full 80 percent
In Japan there is a tradition called Hari Hachi Bu, which only eat until 80 percent full. These habits will help you control your food intake.
5. vitamin D
Vitamin D is good for bones, as well as preventing many chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, to depression. Our country overflowing with the best source of vitamin D throughout the year, the sun. Do not be afraid to bask in the morning.
6. consumption of mushrooms
Not forbidden mushrooms, but mushrooms that is known to enhance the immune system and inflammatory content. Try shiitake mushrooms, enoki, oyster, and so on. Mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has proven its benefits by western medicine.
7. intensive exercise
Forget linger throw sweat. According to research sports short but with high intensity to burn fat more effectively.
8. stretching
Everyone has a tendency to use one muscle unnecessarily, either because of work or sport. Know muscles and stretch regularly to prevent stiff and sore.
Sources: Prevention
Don't Ignore Vitamin D
Healthy and Slim with Salsa Dance
Change the Bad Diet? Apply the following Smart Tips
Healthy and Slim with Salsa Dance
Perhaps more people see dance salsa has an energetic movement only. In fact, it could be salsa dance as a method to lose weight. Want proof?
You must know the name salsa dance. If you've never heard of and seen dancing Salsa, School of Aerobic & Fitness Instructor (Iscantik) Martha Tilaar working with JnR Dancing School held a salsa dance at Dance workshop for Beauty and Healthy held in the building Puspita Martha International Beauty School.
Dances from Latin countries it's very energetic, full of energy and passion it requires the dancer to look beautiful, sexy and vivacious as the dance style itself.
"Salsa is one part of the latin dances. Among them was samba, chacha, rumba and more. When we are dancing salsa body feels fit," said Elly Embran.
According to him, the salsa is danced to the rhythm of eight beats, with two bars of four beats. Salsa dance patterns typically use three steps to every four beats, a beat missed. But the missed beats are generally marked with a jerk legs, kick, scolding, and so on. Usually salsa music involves complicated percussion rhythms and fast, which is about 180 beats per minute.
"Salsa is a dance place, so it is not like the foxtrot or the samba, salsa dancing partner was not much moving around the dance floor, but dancing in a particular area,"
Not only that, he added, salsa dance patterns that rely on the game's waist and legs to form the body more shape and stay flexible.
"Because of the varied functions, and with all sorts of activities that can make the body so slim," said Elly. In fact, according to Elly, after someone adept at dancing salsa will automatically make the body feel supple.
Dance movements are planned and established harmony between music and dance that distinguishes salsa with other latin dances.
"The difference with latin dance salsa really is not that significant other, differing only in rhythm only".
8 Secrets the Healthiest People in The World
Change the Bad Diet? Apply the following Smart Tips
Healthy Food can Help You Stay Young
Change the Bad Diet? Apply the following Smart Tips
Keeping good eating habits is certainly not easy. Somewhere out there, a lot of delicious food that tastes the appetite but not necessarily healthy. There are ways you can do to get rid of bad eating habits to be healthier.
If you are serious about changing to a healthier diet, you would need guidance and knowledge on how to transform a poor diet. Not hard to do. You just need the discipline and consistency in implementing the change. The following are smart tips to change bad eating habits, as quoted from the book of Smart Eating. by Dr. Samuel Oetoro, and Jana Erwin Parengkuan, published by Gramedia.
- Create a list of your eating habits. Write down what you eat and when you eat. It will find your habits.
- Mark the bad habits that must be repaired. For example, irregular eating, overeating, and others.
- Eat slowly it, chew well and enjoy. Eating at the proper time and plan what you will eat to make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet.
- Create healthy habits patience and goodwill. New habits can not happen overnight, it takes approximately 8-12 weeks to do positive things constantly and turn it into ability.
Healthy and Slim with Salsa Dance
Healthy Food can Help You Stay Young
Weight loss should be well planned
Healthy Food can Help You Stay Young
WE are what we eat is a term that one you may have often heard. The statement was appropriate to describe what you are consuming actions that may affect health.

- By consuming fewer calories, aging can be slowed and diseases associated with aging such as cancer and type 2 diabetes can be prevented. You do this by gradually reduce sugar intake without reducing the intake of vitamins and minerals. The earlier calorie intake is reduced, the greater the effect on the extension of the age.
- Reduce caloric intake of approximately 10-25 percent will decrease the release of insulin, glucose, and prolong life in healthy condition.
- Do not stay up. Often stay up it increases the risk of weight gain and bad eating ability. People who sleep late and wake up late tend to eat more calories in the afternoon.
Always eat healthy foods if you want to always look young.
Change the Bad Diet? Apply the following Smart Tips
Weight loss should be well planned
Weight loss may affect your bones
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