The benefits of honey for health and beauty have long been known, honey can be consumed directly or as a mixture of cosmetics and traditional medicines. Over the years have done a lot of research to discover the benefits of using honey and the results indicate that honey is a natural anti-bacterial and antiseptic. Honey is rich in amino acids and enzymes that are able to work magic for the health of one's skin. Honey is able to retain moisture under the skin to keep skin supple and elastic.

Honey can be used as a moisturizer to fight acne and can also be used as a natural sunscreen. Honey clearing microbes that exist under the skin and push it out through the poresto reduce the growth of acne and keep skin moist from the inside.
Because of the nature of honey is rich in antioxidants that are also able to work well as a sunscreen and protects the skin from UV radiation.
There are so many benefits of honey, so why spend a lot of money to buy skin creams and treatments are usually very expensive.
Honey as a facial mask can be made with a variety of different purposes, not just one recipe but very many ideas can be applied to the honey depends on our desires. Many materials can we combine to create a mask of honey, such as oatmeal, lemon, eggs, milk, fruits. Whatever the practical materials and can be used as a natural good mix to soothe the skin.
Here are some tips that we can do to use honey for the health of our skin to be always awake beauty.
Facial Masks for Sensitive Skin
To make honey mask which is good for sensitive skin do the following:
Mix half a tablespoon of honey with half a banana, and a quarter cup of oat meal, cooked with some milk along with eggs. Use as a facial mask regularly.
Benefits of Honey with Lavender Oil
Combining 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 tablespoon of honey creates masks that you can apply on your face for 15 minutes. If you do this regularly you will be surprised at how it will improve your skin.
Honey Mask to Overcome Inflammation
For those who suffer from inflammation and redness of skin and itching appears combines Aloe Vera and 1 tablespoon honey. This is a very good mask and it will improve the skin when applied for 10 minutes every day. Aloe Vera is known for its calming smoothing, moisturizing and firming effect
For the severe acne, make the following mask:
1. Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lemon plus one tablespoon warm water. For best results apply this treatment every day. The honey is healing while the lemon is to clean.
2. Combine 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of honey, apply this mixture to the face until it dries and then rinse with warm water.
3. Make a mask of honey by adding a few drops of tea tree oil and then apply on the skin. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties, anti-fungal and antiseptic qualities combine with honey to make a stronger mix to cure acne.
Tips on Choosing Honey
To make honey mask use honey that has been filtered, but not ultra-filtered, ultra filtration will eliminate many of the properties of natural honey. Do not use raw honey or honey that has not been filtered at all because it may contain pollen, dirt, dust and other foreign substances that can harm your skin.
Make sure you test your honey masks on a small patch of skin before using it on your skin because there are some people who have sensitive skin.
How to Prepare Honey Mask?
To get the best out of a mask of honey, you have to prepare for their new organic materials each time you use it. Always add a tablespoon of warm water to honey is not too sticky and easy to apply to the skin. With the many natural benefits of honey then it is worth it to us to take the time to implement this honey mask and enjoy a healthy skin and flawless beauty. Good luck!
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