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How Do You Get Diabetes?

What is Diabetes?

There are two kinds of diabetes and they're simply called Type 1 and Type 2. With Type 1 diabetes, your main problem is your body's inability to produce insulin - the all-important hormone that converts blood sugar into energy. Without insulin, glucose will only continuously build up in your system. Type 1 is also called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes. There is no known cure for this type.

With Type 2 diabetes, your body is able to produce insulin but only in inadequate amounts. And if it is inadequate, your body is unable to make use of it completely and effectively.

There are other instances in life, like pregnancy for instance, that could cause you to suffer from diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes

If you suspect yourself of suffering from Type 1 diabetes, here are several symptoms to further confirm your suspicions.

Hunger. You're eating enough or even more than what you need, but you still end up feeling hungry. This is because the glucose coming from the food you eat isn't being converted to energy. As such, your system will still feel starved even if you've eaten enough for an army.

Thirst and Urination. High glucose levels in your blood reduces fluid volume, which consequently make you feel thirstier more often. And of course, increased thirst will generally lead to increased frequency in urination.

Weight Loss. Going back to the unsuccessful conversion of blood sugar into energy, muscle tissues and fats won't be able to bulk up. The longer they're deprived of energy, the more they'll shrink in size. It's not surprising for diabetics suffering from insulin deficiency to suddenly experience rapid and excessive weight loss.

Fatigue. Naturally, lack of energy distributed to your system will end up causing you to experience fatigue.

Blurry Vision. In spite of its common occurrence, blurry vision is one of the least known symptoms of diabetes. Decreasing fluid levels in your blood will eventually affect fluid levels in the rest of your body, such as your eyes. Diabetes could cause you to have poorer focus because of reduced fluid levels.

Causes of Diabetes

And now, we get to the most important question: how do we get diabetes? Unfortunately, while we do know what happens inside our body to make us suffer from diabetes, no scientist has yet discovered what causes the specified sequence of events to occur. Nobody knows why an individual's immune system would suddenly destroy cells responsible for producing hormones and therefore leading to the increase of glucose content in his blood.

Scientists, however, have certain theories about possible causes of Type 1 diabetes. For one, genetics have been pinpointed to potentially cause diabetes. Family history as well as exposure to certain bacteria and viruses have also been cited as possible contributing factors.

Consulting Your Doctor about Diabetes

Even without determining the cause, the list of symptoms provided will still enable you to determine whether you are suffering from Type 1 diabetes of not. If your suspicions have been confirmed, the next step for validation is to consult your doctor. The type of test or procedure you'll be subjected to will depend on your doctor. In most cases, however, blood tests would be enough to verify your condition.

If not treated properly and instantly, Type 1 diabetes can lead to various complications from short-term ones like extremely high or low blood sugar content and diabetic ketoacidosis to long-term ones like having neuropathy, nephropathy, osteoporosis as well as other serious problems with your heart, eyes, foot, skin and mouth.

Treatments for Diabetes

The critical fact you have to understand about treating diabetes is that it's a commitment which would last a lifetime for you and your loved ones. Emotional support is just as vital for you to cope with your condition.

The components making up treatment plans for diabetes will be determined by your doctor and your preferences. It will commonly include dietary restrictions, exercise requirements, lifestyle changes, and use of medications and possibly therapies as well.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides more information on topics such as how do you get diabetes [], health insurance for diabetics [] and disease management of diabetes which you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.

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About Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 Diabetes - Diet and Gestational Diabetes

About Diabetes

What Is Acne?

What Is Acne and What Are Causes of Acne?

Acne, Acne vulgaris or cystic acne is a common skin disease that develops as a result of blockages in follicles and which characteristics usually include scaly red skin, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and sometimes even scarring. Acne most commonly affects the areas of the skin which are dense like the face, upper chest and back and may vary in severity from inflammatory which is severe to noninflammatory which is mild.

Acne usually occurs during the adolescent years and is usually caused by the increase of testosterone which affects both males and females. Although it commonly accrues during puberty it may also continue on to adulthood. For the most part, this skin disease diminishes over time and decreases or can disappear by the age of 25. Unfortunately, there is really no way to tell how long it can take to disappear and for some people acne can continue on into their thirties and forties.

Cystic acne is the most severe inflammatory acne and tends to affect where there is deeper skin tissue like the armpit area, buttocks and groin or anywhere where sweat collects in hair follicles or perspiration ducts. Scarring occurs when the wound, the inflamed area within the dermis tries to heal itself resulting in too much collagen in one area.

There are four types of acne scars:
  • Rolling Scars - the skin has a wave-like appearance 
  • Box Car Scars - deep or superficial scars that occur on the temple and cheeks 
  • Ice Pick Scars - these are deep pits which are the most common acne scarring 
  • Hypertrophic Scars - thickened scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue

There are many different types of treatment for acne. The most popular include:
  1. Antiseptics 
  2. Antibiotics - for the more severe cases 
  3. Hormones - hormonal treatment for women 
  4. Benzoyl peroxide - for the mild cases 
  5. Anti-inflammatories - vitamin B3

Some alternative medicine treatments that also deserve mentioning are:
  • Melaleuca oil or Tea tree oil 
  • Aloe vera and Egg oil 
  • Black currant seed oil 
  • Echinacea

The treatment for acne and the natural remedies for acne have become a recent controversy. Some doctors now believe that acne problems are not food related. However, those on the holistic side still believe that by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as a healthy diet, cleansing and the right hormonal balance still is and will be the answer to clear acne.


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