Weight Loss Tips
Tips for Easy and Fast Weight Loss:
Tip 1: Must drink minimum 8 glasses of water in a day.
Tip 2: Juices, cream, sugar in your coffee or tea all add up.
Tip 3: Water helps in reducing weight in effective manner.
Tip 4: Have 5 to 6 small meals or snacks in a day.
Natural Beauty Tips for Girls
1. Wake Up Call
Make paste of honey and ginger and apply this paste on face every morning before brushing teeth. This will prevent wrinkles to a greater extent.
2. Rich Olive
Massage is very useful as it increases blood circulation and result in tightening of skin. Use olive oil to massage your skin daily. Remember to massage in anticlockwise
3. Ample Apple
Cut apple’s thin slices and rub it on affected area, wash with warm water after 10 min. It helps in controlling oily shine.
4. Healthy Haldi
Make a paste using Haldi (Turmeric) with a little raw milk and lemon juice. Apply it on the skin, it will help in removing a tan.
5. Sweet Honey
Prepare mixture of honey, lemon and vegetable oil. Apply this paste on dry skin and wash after 10-15 min. This mixture is a good moisturizer for dry skin.
6. Fruit Lunch
Make it a habit to add lots of fruits as part of your meals. Take fruits without adding any salt and sugar to it. Eat wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including dark green vegetables and feel the difference in your skin.
7. Ideal Drink
Make a habit of drinking 2 glass of water early in the morning. Drinking water early in the morning will bless you with shiny and healthy skin.
8. Utterly Buttery
Buttermilk is another proven recipe to fade the sun tan. Wash you face with Buttermilk regularly for a few days and you would notice the difference. Being a natural astringent, it tones the skin and is ideal for oily to combination skin.
9. Morning Buzz
Try to take food that contains more calories (as compare to night) in morning and noon. This way you might eat less in the evening. It gives more time and chance for burning the calories during day and noon.
10. Moisturizing
Applying moisturizer after a warm face wash or a warm shower is the best remedies for skin. Moisturizing helps to restore the oils that our skin has and helps to keep the skin hydrated.
11. Greedy Grapes
Add 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal to the juice of a grapefruit. Mix to thick paste. Spread on face and leave on 15 minutes, remove with luke warm water. Get healthy and smooth skin quickly.
- The Secret to All-Natural Beauty Is in Your Kitchen
- Natural beauty tips for gorgeous winter skin
- 8 natural beauty tips from your kitchen
- Natural Beauty Tips for Face
7 health benefits of drinking hot cocoa
From the 'too good to be true' file: hot cocoa has some really surprising health benefits.
Oh those clever Mayans. When they weren’t busy developing written languages, deciphering complicated astronomical systems and fending off conquistadores, they happened to invent sipping chocolate. Even if the Mesoamerican version was a spicy drink served cold, we can still thank them for having conceived of a drinkable cocoa concoction that has endured, in some form or another, for millennia. It wasn’t until the Spanish explorers brought chocolate back to Europe in the 16th century that sweetened warm versions of the elixir were consumed. Indeed, from the 16th to 19th centuries, hot chocolate was valued as a special drink, as well as taken as a medicine.
Natural beauty tips for gorgeous winter skin
Think your skin is destined to be dry and flaky until spring comes? Try these simple, natural tactics to keep your skin lovely through the holiday season and beyond.
Kristen Arnett (pictured below) knows natural beauty. As a professional makeup artist and the founder of the Green Beauty Team e-zine, she's familiar with the woes of winter skin; she works with models and celebrities, and whatever seems to be ailing us affects them first and more so. Arnett says that about 50 percent of people (men and women) suffer from dry winter skin. Here are her recommendations to keep skin healthy, hydrated and less dry.
Drink more water: The key to hydrated skin comes from the inside out. In warm weather, most of us think to drink more fresh water, since we may be perspiring, even when we aren't working out. But since winter air is especially (and subtly) drying, it's important to drink plenty of agua during the winter too. "Water should be consumed at room temperature or warmer," Arnett recommends, "and if you realize that you are quite dehydrated, add a small pinch of mineral salt to the water, which will help your body absorb it more effectively."
Go easy on the salt: Salt balance is incredibly important, which is why if you're dehydrated, it can be a good idea to add salt (as detailed above). But if you normally eat very salty foods (think salami and deli meats, processed snacks and soup, or if you add tons of salt to dishes), you can knock your salt balance out of whack the other direction, which can cause dehydration (and soon after, stressed skin). So if you are a bit heavy-handed with the shaker, cut back.
Ease up on the caffeinated beverages: Coffee and non-herbal teas contain caffeine, a natural diuretic, which can dry out your skin. Choose herbal teas or plain water to keep as hydrated as possible (without going overboard) and your skin will improve.
Avoid moisturizers with petroleum: Mineral oil and petroleum jelly are both petroleum-based products, which means they coat the skin, but don't actually moisturize it (the top-level oil slick actually blocks your skin from making it's own oils). Over time, your skin becomes unable to function normally without the unnatural oil slick; your aim should be to encourage the natural, healthy sebum (oil) production in your dermis.
Avoid soaps with sulfates: Naturally, you want to get clean when you wash, but you don't want to strip the naturally protective oils (sebum) from your skin. Sulfates, which make some soaps and shower gels foam up, remove your sebum, which you actually want to avoid. "If skin feels squeaky or tight after a shower, it's damaged," says Arnett. She suggests looking for cleansers without sulfates; "You can get clean without harsh detergents," says Arnett, who recommends Alaffia, which I use, and Nourish (both available at Whole Foods) as brands that do the job safely (and are price competitive with conventional brands).
Oil up: Adding oil, or an oil-based moisturizer to your body isn't going to make you more oily; it supports skin and doesn't block natural sebum production. Arnett recommends jojoba oil which "is the closest to skin's natural sebum and isn't greasy." Coconut oil and sesame oil, and shea and cocoa butters (or combinations of these ingredients) also work well, depending on how much moisture you need (my dry skin loves shea butter). Unless you have really oily skin, most winter skin can use some oil. Applying right after a warm shower will really help it absorb into skin.
MNN tease photo of winter skin: Shutterstock
- Natural Beauty Tips for Girls
- 8 natural beauty tips from your kitchen
- Natural Beauty Tips for Face
- Top 5 Ways to Prevent Dry Lips
8 natural beauty tips from your kitchen
We are creations of nature. There is nothing ‘ugly’ among nature’s creations. The judgment of grades of beauty lies in the vision of the viewer. You look beautiful and radiant only when your inner beauty surfaces. This inner beauty is gained through yoga, meditation and the use of natural beauty enhancers.

To make your skin glow
Grate raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it. Apply this milk over your lips and face. It adds grace and glow to your skin.
Cleansing the skin
Dip a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and wipe the face with it. It cleans unseen dirt a.
Skin moisturizer
For normal skin, mix 1 tablespoon orange juice and 1 tablespoon lemon juice in a cup of yogurt, to make a paste. Apply it on face as a mask and keep it on for 15 minutes. Then clean it off with a wet tissue. This mask enhances the complexion and glow of face.
Nourishing the skin
A protein mask help to nourish your skin. Soak a teaspoon of urad dal and 5-6 almonds overnight. Grind this to a fine paste apply this protein mask on face and wash it off after half an hour. This mask nourishes the facial skin and also enhances the complexion.
Preventing wrinkles
Application of pure castor oil prevents wrinkles and softens the skin. This slows down the aging process
Home made conditioner
Mix one tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of cream. Apply this mixture on the face and wash off after a few minutes. It works wonders.
Removing skin pigmentation and marks
Rubbing a raw potato on face removes marks and pigments.
Sunscreen lotion from kitchen
Prepare a homogenous mixture of cucumber juice, glycerin and rose water. Apply this mixture on face. This mixture can be refrigerated.
Source: Ayurhelp.com
Image: Thinkstockphotos.com
- Natural Beauty Tips for Face
- Top 5 Ways to Prevent Dry Lips
- 5 Natural Beauty Tips Every Woman Should Try
- Natural Beauty Treatments: The Ingredients Are in Your Fridge and Cupboards
Natural Beauty Tips for Face
Everyone wants to look more beautiful than others. Earlier, it was said only for the women but with the passage of time, it no more concerns with females but males are an equal party of it. People keep their full devotion for having fresh, shiny and lightening skin. They use various cosmetics and different medicines for this. A large number of beauty salons (males and females) are running to provide their services for this purpose. It becomes fashion to visit salons for beauty. But it causes problem when local salons use low material cosmetics. The use of low material cosmetics damage the skin and it creates acne problem. You should be careful by choosing a salon.

But before applying any beauty tip on your face, you should be aware of your skin type. For freshness of face, Cleansing is the best tool because lot of dirt becomes the part of your face. You should at least give 15 minutes in morning and 15 minutes at bed time for cleansing of your face. Always remember wash your face with cold water before cleansing.
Mixture of glycerin and rose-water is the best cleanser. You can use milk, cucumber, tomato, lime-peal, apple slice, ice cube etc on your skin. Few are given under:
Take un-boiled milk in a bowl. Dip a piece of cotton into it and apply on your skin gently.
Half lime-peel with extracted juice can be a good scrub for your face and neck.
Apple-slice is a good tool of massaging and can be helpful to close your face pores.
Ice-cube can also used to refresh look of your skin.
Face scrubs are also very good; they give a shiny look to dead complexion. But face scrubs can aggravate the situation when you use them on pimpled skin. You should use face scrub according to your skin type. Misuse of face scrubs can create problems for your face.
If you have oily skin, then apply diluted lime juice before makeup. Dab it very lightly on the face and wait for 10 minutes.
Diluted butter-milk is also a best scrub for oily skin.
Mix one tablespoon of yogurt in ½ cup of green gram powder. Add some water to make a paste. Apply it on the face gently. After 10 minutes rinse your face with cold water and do not apply soap after the cure.
Usually oily skin needs more care than other types. Face mask can be used to lessen oil. Some face masks can be prepared at home.
Add 1 egg white in 1 table spoon honey. Apply this paste with a brush on your face. Wash your face after 10 minutes.
Mix 1 table spoon orange peel powder in 1 table spoon honey. Add this mixture in ½ tea spoon lime juice. Apply this paste and wait. After 10 minutes, wash your face.
- Top 5 Ways to Prevent Dry Lips
- 5 Natural Beauty Tips Every Woman Should Try
- Natural Beauty Treatments: The Ingredients Are in Your Fridge and Cupboards
- 10 Incredible Natural Beauty Tips
Top 5 Ways to Prevent Dry Lips
The skin may be the most unique organ in the human body, and the skin on your lips is pretty unique in and of itself.

Your lips are among the most expressive parts of your body. Thin, drawn lips display sternness. Lips pulled up into a smile show happiness and warmth. Biting your lip is coy and playful.
You may want to be careful with using that last expression too much. Lip bitingcontributes to dry, cracked lips — an expressiveness you want to avoid. Dry lips aren’t nearly as attractive as moist, healthy lips. They can also be painful. So, aside from not biting your lips, what are some other ways to prevent dry lips?
Because your lips are comparatively thin, they’re also more exposed to damage from seemingly innocuous activities. Case in point: licking your lips.
It makes sense that licking your lips should moisturize them, and it does — for a moment. As the saliva your tongue delivers to your lips dries, it evaporates, carrying with it the natural moisture found within your lips. What’s more, your saliva is composed partly of enzymes that are designed to initiate the process of breaking food down for digestion. What works on food also works on the skin of your lips; two digestive enzymes found in saliva, amylase and maltase, can actually degrade the skin. This leaves the already thin skin of the lips further exposed, creating even drier lips.
Dehydration often plays a big role in dry lips. Ensuring that you drink enough water on a daily basis can help keep your lips from getting dry in the first place. As our bodies dehydrate, cells of all varieties — including skin cells like those that compose the lips — dry out. Replenishing your body with water rehydrates those cells and maintaining a steady intake of water can prevent your lips from drying out in the first place.
So how much water should you drink? The most widely cited rule of thumb is eight, eight-ounce glasses per day. We should note, however, that one 2002 study found no scientific basis for this suggested intake. The same paper also didn’t find that amount would harm a healthy adult either, though.
On the same token, keeping your environment hydrated can help prevent your lips from drying. Try sleeping with a humidifier in your bedroom.
3. Invest in a Good Lip Balm
There are long-standing rumors that some lip balms(Carmex in particular) are addictive or actually dry lips out. It turns out that these rumors are unfounded. The most commonly questionedingredients found in some lip balms — phenol, menthol and camphor — don’t actually dry lips out, in turn leading to repeated use and eventually addiction, as some suspect.
Really, just about any lip balm will keep your lips sufficiently moist. There are a few keyingredients you want to look for in a lip balm. Balms need a base, often petroleum, beeswax or other oil, which will provide a barrier to prevent moisture loss. Emollients like aloe or lanolin soften lips. Vitamins and nutrient-rich compounds are also often added to aid in tissue regeneration and protection.
You’ll also want a balm that contains a level of sun protection — at least SPF 15. Since your lips don’t produce as much melanin as the rest of your skin, they need the extra protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Most dermatologists also recommend applying petroleum jelly to your lips at night if you have severely dry lips.
There are long-standing rumors that some lip balms(Carmex in particular) are addictive or actually dry lips out. It turns out that these rumors are unfounded. The most commonly questionedingredients found in some lip balms — phenol, menthol and camphor — don’t actually dry lips out, in turn leading to repeated use and eventually addiction, as some suspect.
Really, just about any lip balm will keep your lips sufficiently moist. There are a few keyingredients you want to look for in a lip balm. Balms need a base, often petroleum, beeswax or other oil, which will provide a barrier to prevent moisture loss. Emollients like aloe or lanolin soften lips. Vitamins and nutrient-rich compounds are also often added to aid in tissue regeneration and protection.
You’ll also want a balm that contains a level of sun protection — at least SPF 15. Since your lips don’t produce as much melanin as the rest of your skin, they need the extra protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Most dermatologists also recommend applying petroleum jelly to your lips at night if you have severely dry lips.
If you wear lipstick, lip liner or lip gloss, there are some things you should avoid when selecting cosmetics. That is, you should avoid them if don’t want your dry, cracked lips to draw eyes away from the rest of your face.
The main ingredient you want to watch out for is alcohol. Matte and long-lasting lipsticks usually contain types of alcohol, which tends to strip natural moisture away from your lips as it evaporates. Since alcohol is such an essential ingredient in lipstick, some manufacturers have begun to use alcohol derived from plants that act as emollients, like lanolin.
Other lipsticks and glosses are designed to double as lip balms and contain many of the same ingredients as a traditional lip balm, like beeswax or aloe. If you can find a lipstick that also contains a SPF of 15 or more, you’re all set.
5. Provide a Barrier to Strong Medications
It’s generally not a good idea to slather strong dermatological medications directly onto your lips. Remember that your lips are thin and tender, and need protecting.
You may find yourself in a situation where you’ll need to apply topical medications, like an anti-acne cream or a cold sore remedy. You may also use facial peels and masks and anti-aging formulas to reduce wrinkles or exfoliate your skin. All of these common products (unlike lip balms) contain drying agents and chemicals designed to remove the top layer of dead skin, or to dry out acne or cold sores.
While you’re not applying these formulas directly, they do have a way of traveling to your lips, where they can cause dryness. The best offense is a good defense — before applying a facial mask or cold sore medication, provide a barrier of protection to your lips. Use something like petroleum jelly or a thick lip balm as the barrier, and you’re good to go.
It’s generally not a good idea to slather strong dermatological medications directly onto your lips. Remember that your lips are thin and tender, and need protecting.
You may find yourself in a situation where you’ll need to apply topical medications, like an anti-acne cream or a cold sore remedy. You may also use facial peels and masks and anti-aging formulas to reduce wrinkles or exfoliate your skin. All of these common products (unlike lip balms) contain drying agents and chemicals designed to remove the top layer of dead skin, or to dry out acne or cold sores.
While you’re not applying these formulas directly, they do have a way of traveling to your lips, where they can cause dryness. The best offense is a good defense — before applying a facial mask or cold sore medication, provide a barrier of protection to your lips. Use something like petroleum jelly or a thick lip balm as the barrier, and you’re good to go.
5 Natural Beauty Tips Every Woman Should Try
Imagine looking and feeling beautiful, every day. Not impossible? While you can with our natural beauty tips.
I’m not talking about superficial, too-much-makeup beauty. And I’m not just talking the inner variety either. I’m talking about feeling truly and naturally beautiful.
What holds women back from feeling that way? A lie. The lie that beauty is a competition.
We’re told (by magazines, billboards, and ads) that other women look younger and more beautiful than we ever will and there’s nothing we can do about it. Many women believe this lie as early as 12 or 13 years old.
Try these 5 simple steps to escape the lie and look younger naturally!
Women don’t like beauty being a competition because, deep down, we know it isn’t true. So what’s the truth?
All women are naturally beautiful, inside and out. Every woman. Including you.
You express a unique beauty in the natural movement of your facial features, body language—even your thoughts and personality. Believing the truth about yourself (you are beautiful!) is the first, and most important step to look beautiful naturally.
Consider what you say when you look in the mirror. Ever said one of these?…
“I’m too fat.” “I wish I looked younger.” “I’m having a bad hair day.” “Wow, I look awful.”
When all the messages you send your body are negative, that’s how it responds—negatively.
Next time you look in the mirror, tell yourself you’re beautiful. Try one of these natural beauty tips:
• All women are beautiful and I am one of them.
• I am naturally beautiful, inside and out.
•I am choosing to look for my naturalistic beauty.
When women feel less than beautiful, their self-care can suffer.
You might stop believing that you’re worth the haircut or the gym pass or the outfit you love. Do you ever settle for the ponytail or whatever’s on sale? Don’t. You’ll just feed the lie that you’re not naturally beautiful.
Do (at least) one thing to care for your body today.
Wondering how to do it with spending money? Style your hair. Drink an extra glass of water. Eat a vegetable. Show that body of yours how much you love it!
4. Stop hiding in clothes you don’t love.
Want to look naturally younger? Then stop covering up your natural elegance! Stop wearing makeup, hairstyles, and clothes that conflict with your natural quality of beauty, rather than bring it out. How?
Only wear clothes and accessories you absolutely love.
You don’t have to own a million-dollar wardrobe. You do need to stop buying clothes just because they fit or they’re on sale. Only buy an item of clothing if you can say with 100% confidence, “I love that!”
Want to look naturally younger? Then stop covering up your natural elegance! Stop wearing makeup, hairstyles, and clothes that conflict with your natural quality of beauty, rather than bring it out. How?
Only wear clothes and accessories you absolutely love.
You don’t have to own a million-dollar wardrobe. You do need to stop buying clothes just because they fit or they’re on sale. Only buy an item of clothing if you can say with 100% confidence, “I love that!”
5. Learn your Type of beauty
Here’s the biggest problem of all when beauty turns into a competition…
Here’s the biggest problem of all when beauty turns into a competition…
Winners and losers mean only one Type of beauty can come out on top.
But there are actually 4 Types of natural beauty —and you express one of them.
Which Type of natural beauty are you?
But there are actually 4 Types of natural beauty —and you express one of them.
Which Type of natural beauty are you?
I aim to help 100,000 women find out. That’s why I’m giving away my online Beauty Profiling video course for free. It’s already given thousands of women the boost they need to embrace and highlight their loveliness with natural beauty tips.
What would it feel like to look in the mirror and really look beautiful naturally? Find out.
Discover your natural Type of beauty today.
>> Click Here to learn your natural Type of Beauty Now!
Posted by Carol Tuttle
- Natural Beauty Treatments: The Ingredients Are in Your Fridge and Cupboards
- 10 Incredible Natural Beauty Tips
- Choco-vanilla fudge for your skin
Natural Beauty Treatments: The Ingredients Are in Your Fridge and Cupboards
As women, we spend millions of dollars each year on beauty products. In the process of purchasing the latest and greatest beauty products, we are also putting things on your bodies, which we would not put in our bodies. We could save a bit of money and time of beauty products if we just stopped and looked into the refrigerator for natural beauty treatments. Other added bonuses of natural beauty treatments: these products have no animal testing, and there is a lot less risk of damage to your skin. Following is a list of 1-ingredient natural beauty treatments that will bring out the best in you.
Natural beauty treatment 1
Rich in vitamins and enzymes, the avocado nourishes the body inside and out. The peel especially is the source of essential beatifying oils. Therefore, you can have the avocado on your salad and rub use the peel on your skin. Just massage your face with the inside of the peel and leave on for 15 minutes. You can also rest for 20 minutes with avocado slices under your eyes to relieve puffiness. You can also rub mashed avocado into your skin and rinse after 15 minutes.
The banana is rich in potassium and a great moisturizer for your hair and skin. You can use it alone by mashing the banana and rubbing on your face, neck and hair. Your other option is to add oatmeal to the banana to make an ex-foliating mask or honey for additional softness.
Olive oil can be used as a beauty treatment in many ways. For cuticles and nails, you can soak in it or massage into the cuticles. Use it as a nighttime hand moisturizer under gloves. Dab it on your lips to soften and moisturize. Use it on hair to repair split ends, heal dandruff and make it shiny. Put a few drops of olive oil in the bathtub to moisturize skin. Some people prefer to add essential oils to olive oil to mask the smell.
Natural beauty treatment 4
Egg yolk mask can be used to replenish and tighten skin. Just beat one egg yolk and apply to skin with cotton ball. Rinse your skin after 15 minutes.
Natural beauty treatment 5
Honey is used for oily or blemished skin. Apply it straight from the bottle to your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with very warm water. Honey can also be mixed with many other natural ingredients to make and effective mask.
Natural beauty treatment 6
Papaya can be used to remove dead flaky skin. The enzymes in papaya help to dissolve dead and damaged skin cells revealing healthy skin. Mash ½ papayas and apply it to the face. Rinse after 10 minutes.
Natural beauty treatment 7
Witch hazel is just as effective as any expensive as any other astringent. Refill your astringent bottle with witch hazel and you will never notice the difference. Besides, it costs a lot less.
Strawberries should be smashed and used as toothpaste to whiten teeth. It is also used to relieve puffy eyes and remove oil from skin.
Natural beauty treatment 9
Basil leaves can be rubbed on the teeth for whitening. It can also be dried, ground and used as a toothpaste. Basil is also known to have medicinal properties.
Natural beauty treatment 10
Pepto Bismol and Milk of Magnesia, though not naturally occurring, are used to settle and sooth the stomach. These products can be applied to the skin straight from the bottle as a clarifying mask.
- 10 Incredible Natural Beauty Tips
- Choco-vanilla fudge for your skin
- Pedicure at home in 5 easy steps
10 Incredible Natural Beauty Tips
Try These Natural Body Care Solutions to Save Money and Look Your Best, Naturally!
There are a lot of products on the market for all kinds of beauty routines. Most of these products are very expensive. Many of them contain ingredients that can cause allergic reactions for a large number of consumers. Here is a list of 10 effective natural beauty tips for you to try. They are extremely inexpensive and easy to use. And you don't have to try to decipher an ingredient label to see if there may be an ingredient that can be irritating to you.

1. Teeth whitener
Do you wish you could keep that fresh-from-the-dentist look all the way until your next cleaning? You really can with this inexpensive and easy natural solution. Forget all those strips, gels and goo. All you need is dental floss and baking soda. Only do this once a month. It's very hard on the enamel, but a very effective natural whitener. Here's what to do:
Brush and rinse as usual. Rub baking soda between your top teeth. Use the dental floss to create a mini sander between your teeth - be sure to get into the gum line a bit. Rub the baking soda on the flats of your teeth. Do the same on the bottom. Brush your teeth and rinse again. Shade your eyes and smile!
2. Face mask
If you are all dried out from the cold, dry heat of winter, try this incredible natural mask. It is formulated not to cause problems with any other current conventional face-wash products to help the dryness caused by these products.
1/2 cup powdered oats (powder in a blender)
2 tbsp honey
1 squished gel-cap of vitamin E
1 teaspoon sunflower, or any other liquid oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract DON'T use if your skin is irritated
Add water to make a paste. Warm skin and open pores with warm compresses. Apply mixture to skin and leave on for 10 minutes or more. Rinse. Rub a tiny bit of liquid vegetable oil on normally dry areas.
3. Pimple Relief
If you have a big pimple, or even a little one, and you want it gone quickly, try this natural approach to aiding your body and healing the pimple.
Hot compress, 10 minutes. Cool compress 10 minutes.
Do another hot compress. If the pimple came to a head, gently (KEYWORD: GENTLY) push it out. If you tried and it didn't come out, do one more hot compress, one more cold compress to take the swelling back down.
If the pimple is way down: do the hot/cold again the next night.
If the pimple is near the surface: before you go to bed, mix a bit of baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Put a dab of that mixture on the pimple and put a band-aid on it to hold the baking soda on the pimple. It should be a lot better in the morning. The baking soda does two things, it absorbs some of the oil from the pimple and kills bacteria. Do the hot/cold compresses again the next night and it should pop right out. If not, do the baking soda again.
4. Blackheads gone
The easiest, and least expensive, way to get rid of blackheads is naturally. Try this non-toxic and natural approach to solving your blackhead problems. It works!
Use warm compresses to open the pores and soften the blackhead. Gently pop them out - they won't scar. If they don't pop out easily, do more compresses.
Wash well with natural soap. Wipe with witch hazel or lemon juice. Apply a cool compress to reduce redness.
5. Proper moisturizer
For a deep and penetrating moisturizer, try this natural approach that helps feed your cells and the results will last for days and days.
Use warm compresses to soften skin tissue and open your pores. Apply a good coating of any natural vegetable oil such as extra-virgin olive oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil. Re-heat your compress and lay it over your oiled skin for about 10 minutes. Wash with a natural soap and rinse. You will definitely see and feel the difference that natural makes for your skin.
6. Cuticle health
1/2 tablespoon cooking oil
natural soap
Remove nail polish. Wash hands in warm water with natural soap to clean and soften you cuticles. Dry hands. Rub a small amount of cooking oil on each fingernail. Be sure to get oil all around your fingernails. Use a toothpick to clean under your nails. Wash your hands again in warm water with a a natural soap. Use a toothpick to rub the cuticle all around each fingernail. Enjoy your perfect cuticles!
7. Exfoliant and Natural Dermabrasion
There are two methods for dermabrasion, chemical and mechanical. Chemical dermabrasion damage the top layers of skin, causing the skin to peel off with a course lubricant. Mechanical dermabrasion simply removes the dead layers of skin with a course lubricant. You should consider choosing only mechanical methods of dermabrasion which don't damage the skin but will bring out a natural healthy glow. You can add whatever you want to this basic recipe. Powdered flowers, oats, bananas, essential oils or herbs. Feel free to be creative and use what you enjoy.
Basic Dermabrasion -
1 tablespoon baking soda
warm water to moisten skin
Wet skin. Using hands or a wash cloth, rub baking soda gently on your skin. The baking soda kills germs and removes oils and dead skin cells. Rinse.
8. 'Girl area' bump reducer
Bumps in this area are caused by the hairs being cut off below the surface of the skin. Conventional body care products add irritation because these chemicals are too strong and can cause symptoms of contact dermatitis such as swelling the cells around the freshly shaved hair. Choose to use a new razor, a natural soap without ingredients you can't pronounce and follow with a witch hazel wipe to kill bacteria and reduce swelling of the tissue caused by irritation from shaving.
1 tablespoon baking soda
warm water to moisten skin
Wet skin. Using hands or a wash cloth, rub baking soda gently on your skin. The baking soda kills germs and removes oils and dead skin cells. Rinse.
8. 'Girl area' bump reducer
Bumps in this area are caused by the hairs being cut off below the surface of the skin. Conventional body care products add irritation because these chemicals are too strong and can cause symptoms of contact dermatitis such as swelling the cells around the freshly shaved hair. Choose to use a new razor, a natural soap without ingredients you can't pronounce and follow with a witch hazel wipe to kill bacteria and reduce swelling of the tissue caused by irritation from shaving.
9. Pimple treatment
Use this quick fix only as needed. When you do get a pimple, you should let it heal on its own. However, there are times when you need the pimple gone now. This solution will help make it go away in a day or two.Ingredients:
Baking soda
Honey (preferred)
Lemon juice
After you wash your face at night, apply a bit of baking soda wet with water, honey (preferred) or lemon juice to the pimple in a tiny paste, enough to cover the pimple. Pop a little band-aid on top. In the morning, it should be a lot less noticeable or even gone. If it swelled up worse, wash your face then use an ice cube to reduce the swelling. Do the treatment at night until the pimple is gone, only one or two nights. Keep that area clean with witch hazel.
I love long, hot, relaxing baths. Here are a few things you can throw in your tub to make a bath an experience that's a whole lot more relaxing than a tub of plain water.
1 cup powdered oats
2 cups Dead Sea salt
1 cup Epsom salt
3 tablespoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons vegetable oil such as extra-virgin olive oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil.
Add to your hot bath water. Climb in with a book or magazine and enjoy!
by: Emily Patterson
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