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The Benefits of Vitamin E for Health and Beauty

vitamin E for beautyEvery woman would want to look beautiful. One important factor that supports a woman's beauty is skin. Having skin fresh, smooth and tight to every woman's dream to look beautiful. In contrast, skin health is not maintained will make skin dull and wrinkled, will automatically reduce a person's beauty. Although someone has a pretty face, but if her skin dull and wrinkled, the charm will also fade.

To make your skin always looks fresh and tight, skin care can not be abandoned. Not only from the outside such as bath treatments, facials, scrubs up, from within any treatment is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of skin. The question is, how to maintain healthy skin from the inside? Not hard actually. Only by taking vitamins, especially vitamin E on a regular basis and in accordance with the needs of the body, the skin will look more beautiful naturally.

Vitamin E is very beneficial for skin health. Benefits of vitamin E to the skin has been proven through numerous scientific studies. American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) is one institution that launched about the usefulness of vitamin E for the body. Some of them are beneficial to maintain the freshness and youthful look. Vitamin E also effectively resist ultraviolet light exposure so that the skin remains protected. In addition, vitamin E provides protection to the skin from the adverse effects of ultraviolet light, so the humidity up and the skin is not dry. Humidity is useful to keep the freshness of the skin and prevent wrinkles.

Usually, those who live in urban areas, the risk of skin damage is quite high due to poor environmental conditions. Free radicals derived from sunlight, cigarette smoke, car fumes to be a serious threat to the skin. Various pollution exposure can lead to dull skin and loss of freshness.

Therefore, vitamin E would be an easy solution to stay beautiful. There are many choices of food that can be consumed to get the intake of vitamin E. Broccoli, mangoes, nuts, soybean oil, olive oil, avocados and kiwi fruit are some foods that contain vitamin E. Eating these foods regularly are strongly encouraged to meet the needs of vitamin E for our bodies.

But, it should also be noted about how to store and cook food that vitamin E was still up. Soybean and olive oil, for example, should be stored in an airtight container. For, if exposed to air for long periods can reduce or even destroy vitamin E. Similarly with other food ingredients. If cooked too ripe broccoli can reduce the amount of vitamin E in it. These things should be a concern, because it is very unfortunate if we had to consume these foods in large quantities, but did not get the maximum benefit, due to the storage and presentation.

If you are unsure whether the amount of vitamin E in the diet is good or not, vitamin E supplements may be an option. Consuming vitamin E supplements regularly can meet our daily vitamin E requirement. The dose of vitamin E from supplements is guaranteed to meet the daily requirement of vitamin E in the body. If adequate intake of vitamin E, we do not have to worry about the problem of skin dull and wrinkled. The skin will become toned, fresh and smooth. Health and natural beauty of the skin will be ours.



Many Benefits of Honey for Health and Beauty

benefits of honeyBenefits of Honey for Health and Beauty:

-Honey rubbed on your baby's gums are sedation and anesthesia are safe for the baby during the growth of teeth.
-Honey is good for kids because it works as a disinfectant, improve blood composition, increasing hemoglobin levels and increase appetite. Honey which is a sedative, useful to overcome bedwetting in children, as well as make sleep more soundly. Honey is useful for treating intestinal worms. Honey to treat coughs, colds and fever in children.
-For Beauty Honey is an antioxidant that can improve the beauty of the skin, soften and make the youth.
-Honey can soften lips, moisturize and prevent lips from drying out or cracking.
-Honey can eliminate acne.
-Honey removing blemishes and dark spots on the face and prevent wrinkles.
-Honey can increase fertility hair.
-For the Health Honey in concentrations of 30% to 50% of its function is much better than antibiotics.
-Honey were lumpy stops the growth of bacteria Candida alb.
-Honey is being aqueous to 40% to be bacteridal (bacteria-killing), so it can act as an anti-bacterial and anti-       fungal.
-Honey is able to resist shigela Salmonella, E. Coli and Vibrio cholerae causes cholera that has claimed the lives of millions of the world's population.
-Honey can heal wounds infected after surgery, ulcers, cancers of the vulva, stitching wounds and skin grafting.
-Honey shorten the lifetime of bacterial diarrhea in infants.
-As a cure wounds, honey can absorb water on the wound, preventing infection and tissue repair quickly.
-Honey penetrating wounds, and helps the formation of new tissue granules.
-Honey stop the growth of pathogenic organisms in patients with urinary tract infections.
-Because it contains sugar rapidly absorbed by the digestive system, honey is a source of instant energy.
-Honey is antibacterial because of natural acidity and hydrogen peroxide are produced. Regular consumption of honey strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacteria and diseases caused by viruses.
-Honey is good for the eyes and vision.
-Reducing the effects of toxins. Honey is useful for urinary tract infections.
-Honey overcome dizziness.
-Honey is directly derived from the nest can promote weight loss.
-Honey is a mild laxative.
-Long stored honey helps the body's metabolism.
-Honey can preserve food.
-Cakes with honey as a substitute sugar will be much longer fresh because it contains a natural antibiotic.
-Honey overcome breathing problems, especially to expel phlegm or liquid that clogs airways.
-Honey is believed to be aphrodisiacs or sexual arousal plant.
-Honey is a mild disinfectant, so it can cure strep throat.
-Honey also can increase the production of saliva or salivary fluid that could help overcome a dry or irritated throat.
-The opera singers use honey to maintain the condition of their throats to be able to sing with excellent sound quality.
-One tablespoon of honey can supply as much energy as 64 calories.
-All natural honey to treat wounds abrasions or burns.
-Honey can cure colds.
-Constipation can be treated with honey.
-Patients with ulcer, safe to consume honey.
-People with diabetes are also safe to consume honey, under the medical supervision.
-People with allergies in the environment, can be cured by eating a spoonful of honey every day from the same environment.
-The mixture of honey and carrot juice beneficial for eyesight and good for those who often linger to work with computers.
-Honey can relieve asthma symptoms if taken in the form of juice with black pepper powder and ginger.
-To keep blood pressure honey mixed with garlic.
-Honey can reduce weight and cleanse the blood.
-Honey to treat anemia.
-Osteoporosis can be prevented by honey.
-In addition to overcoming a cold, honey is also a remedy for cough.
-Those Long service life always eat honey regularly.
-An interesting fact is another beekeeper avoid cancer and narrowing of blood vessels.
-Every 1,000 g of honey worth 3280 calories. Calorific value of 1 kg of honey equals 50 eggs or 5.575 liters of milk, or 1.680 kg of meat.
-Honey is useful for stomach health.
-Honey is very useful to normalize organ function also refreshing nerves work.
-Sugar and minerals in honey serves as a tonic which gives energy source for the heart.
-Mineral content of honey can reduce acidity and help prevent gastric bleeding.
-Papaya Juice mixed with honey efficacious to for growing children, pregnant women and facilitate breastfeeding.
-Mixture of coconut water and honey, efficacious to negate the harmful effects of excessive passionate sex.
-Honey can reduce pain when menstruating.
-Increase energy during pregnancy and childbirth as well as strengthen the fetus.
-Mix honey, herbs and eggs hasten wound healing in the stomach or uterus after delivery.
-Honey can treat burns, skin exposed to splashing hot oil, hot water or exhaust motor.
-Orange juice plus honey can overcome heart problems.
-Honey adds to the fertility of men and women.
-For an alcoholic, the consumption of honey and fruit juice in large quantities can stop the addiction.
-Honey can be used for cleaning teeth and gums. For Children


5 Best Food for Maintaining Healthy Skin

Our body, including the skin, requiring healthy foods, such as healthy fats, protein proper, fruits, and vegetables. Here's five of the healthiest foods for your skin:
healthy skin

1. Broccoli.
Rich in vitamins A, C, and K. Vitamin A can reduce oil production, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and vitamin K can help prevent bruises on the skin. So eat this wonderfood.

2. Green tea.
Three cups of green tea a day can contribute enough antioxidants to your body, so as to fight premature aging and inflammation. The risk of skin cancer will also be much reduced.

3. Almon.
Consumption handful of almonds a day can increase the levels of vitamin E, an antioxidant important for healthy skin, it also moisturizes dry skin. It also protects the skin from aging, inflammation, and even skin cancer.

4. Sunflower oil.
Contains omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid which is important to prevent dry skin and inflamed. Also vital for the formation of prostaglandins, hormones that keep the body's cells to function properly. To get healthy skin, eat salmon and broccoli, then flush with a little sunflower oil.

5. Fish.
For example, salmon and cod are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is important consumption because our bodies can not produce it. These fatty acids will nourish the skin, moisturize and prevent irritation, it can even improve the skin from chronic diseases such as atopic dermatitis and rosacea. These fish also contain vitamin D which is good for protecting the skin from the sun. For those who do not like fish can replace it with flaxseed, hazelnuts and walnuts.

benefits of vitamin C for beauty
Peak of Female Beauty
Techniques to Treat Hair Curly or Straight


benefits of vitamin C for beauty

vitamin CVitamin C is necessary for the beauty and health of skin and body. Many benefits can be obtained by consuming vitamin C regularly. Vitamin C can maintain the beauty of skin and makes the skin healthier, cleaner and brighter look.

Vitamin C is naturally found in fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits. But there is another alternative for those who do not like eating fruits and vegetables is to take vitamin C tablets Vitamin C tablets are very easy to buy, but natural vitamin C from fruits and vegetables are much better because they do not have a risk. In contrast to vitamin C tablets will cause kidney damage if consumed in excess. No matter how much we consume fruits and vegetables are not at risk, at most, will only lead to an upset stomach.

Consuming vitamin C will boost your immune system and accelerate the healing process of the sick especially the flu. Vitamin C will also make the skin more beautiful and bright.
Vitamin C can inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase which plays a role in the formation of pigments and makes the skin look dull. If the pigmentation is inhibited then the skin will always awake brightness, beauty and of course more bright and clean.

Vitamin C is also useful in the formation of collagen, a type of compound, which contains amino acids that serve as binding cells. Collagen is the main composition of the connective tissue of skin, bone and ligaments. Collagen can maintain the suppleness and elasticity of the skin with the help of vitamin C.

Vitamin C works to keep the collagen is not easily damaged or weak. Intake of vitamin C is enough to affect the skin cells, which is to reduce wrinkles and improve skin smoothness. Also, to support the process that allows the molecules reach his best form.

That's just some of the benefits of vitamin C for skin health and beauty. Other benefits of vitamin C has been reviewed in several previous articles and we will continue to discuss in the future with the hope of further increasing our awareness, to always consume vitamin C is true, especially vitamin C naturally.

May be useful for all of us.



Peak of Female Beauty

peak of female, beautyWhen was the last time you felt confident and beautiful as the assets you have? The assets in question is physical beauty, personality, intelligence, and integrity of your self. According to research, the peak of the most beautiful women felt it was when she was 31 years old.

A television channel in the UK did a poll which involved about 2,000 women. This poll asked participants about femininity and female beauty. Poliing states, women are at the peak of her beauty when she was 31 years old. According to the respondents, the women who are at that age, are generally more beautiful than women aged 19 years.

A total of 70 percent of poll respondents said that beauty is confidence. A total of 67 percent reported that physical appearance is the biggest factor to determine just how beautiful a woman. While 47 percent said that the style of a woman is the key to one's pretty awarded.

Sue Leeson, director of the television channel said that beauty is full of more than a pretty face, but a combination of confidence, style and personality. These results are the opposite of the belief that women are at the peak of her beauty when she was a teenager. Generally, at the age of 31, women feel more confident than when he was still in their 20s. At this age, women have had a lot of experience, have a strong self-perception, and has strong relationships with others.



Techniques to Treat Hair Curly or Straight

The beauty of a woman can not be separated from her hair. Women can look with different hair styles. There are times when a woman bored with her ​​hair style, bored with straight hair and want to have curly hair. Or a woman who was born with curly hair want straight hair look? Curling techniques, and smooting can be easily obtained. These techniques produce a good haircut and care, your hair curly or straight hair can look maintained beauty and health.

hair, curly hairCurly Hair
With curly hair, a woman will look more sexy and that is what makes most men love this hairstyle, except with curly hair, a woman look more feminine. That impression resulting from the curly hair. Negative effects, permed hair are more prone to dry. It is because the hair shaft is open which led to each strand of hair to lose moisture. Curly hair is suitable for their thin-faced, or face with the jaw hard as it can soften and disguise the shape of the face.

Cutting Techniques
After going through the process of curling and want to form a haircut, be sure to get your hair cut in a dry state so that the resulting shape is no different.
Do not cut with layering models or chopping technique. Model layering will make the hair look thinner so damaging impression of beautiful curly hair to make hair volume.
Create a model of long layers between the neck and shoulder so that the hair look more presentable.

Curly Hair Care
Problems faced curly hair is dry and brittle hair. So how to treat it:
Do not wash your hair too often. wash your hair do 2 days to damp hair is not easily lost.
Use a deep conditioner when not shampooing. In the shower, you can wet the hair, apply a deep conditioner, then rinse.
To add moisture to hair, use conditioner without a rinse. Use the ends of the hair.
In order for hair to be strong, use a hair mask once a week.

Straight Hair
Smoothing the result being straight hair will result in the appearance that looks more neat and professional impressed. Straight hair tends to be shiny because the protein that enters locked so damp hair. But straight hair is less suitable for your face Tyre or have a small face.

Cutting Techniques
Layering model or other hairstyle that can attenuate an option. With thinned, hair look more textured and voluminous.
Techniques dull or blunt cut pieces on the collarbone and chest that will make the face look more fresh.

Straight Hair Care
Can use a special shampoo for straight hair. If not, simply use a shampoo that contains anti-wrinkle ingredients.
Use a mild conditioner. Since straight hair tends to be oily, so avoid using a deep conditioner that will make the hair look greasy and limp.
To prevent damage, use special hair care products that work to improve straight hair cuticle and as an antioxidant.



The Understanding of Sunscreen for Skin Health

Sunscreen, a health care products for the skin. Sunscreen is very important for us who always want to protect the beauty of our skin from the sun. Here are some facts about sunscreen you need to know so that you can understand more about the sunscreen you use.

Supplementary Material Damage Sunscreen
You need to wary of sunscreens containing oxybenzone and ocyinoxate, both these materials work counteracting the effects of the sun. But it turns out the material can cause skin irritation and interfere with hormones in the body. Other ingredients commonly added is retinyl palmitate which is another form of vitamin A. Negative effects of this content is that it can cause abnormal skin tissue.

Sunscreen Not Protects from UVA
When you buy a sunscreen of course, you often see the label SPF 15 or SPF 30. The label indicates the ability of a sunscreen to protect skin from UVB rays that can cause sunburn. We know that sunlight is UVA and UVB. UVA rays that often can not be protected with use of sunscreen
The ill effects of UVA can cause skin aging and skin cancer. To get protection from UVA, choose sunscreens that contain titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and avobenzone.

Meaning of SPF
Sunscreen labeled SPF 30 (Sun Protection Factor) does not mean it will protect you two times more than the use of SPF 15. Likewise with sunscreen labeled SPF 50 or SPF 100. The fact is that these figures is the ability to filter UVB sunscreen. SPF 15 can filter out 93% of UVB, SPF 30 filters 97%, SPF 50 filters 98%, and SPF 100 to 99%. Differences were less than 2 times the SPF labels are written. Select the proper use is dependent on your skin type. If normal skin can use an SPF 30 while sensitive skin can choose a sunscreen with a higher SPF.

Expired Sunscreen
Although sunscreen expiration date has not yet arrived. Not necessarily sunscreens are safe to use. The average time until the expiration of sunscreen is for 3 years, but if you keep it properly. Sunscreen should be stored at a cool temperature. Let sunburnt while you're at the beach or pool can cause sunscreen to be damaged. Put it in a bag to protect the sunscreen.

Natural Sunscreen
Tomatoes, guava, grapes and watermelon fruit is good for the skin because it contains lycopene. Cooked tomatoes will produce higher levels of lycopene. Substance lycopene can serve as a natural sunscreen from the body. Consume can help skin better withstand the adverse effects of UVA and UVB. However, the protection of sunscreen that protects from the outside is still needed when you are doing activities under the sun.

How to Use Sunscreen
When you use sunscreen does not mean you have fully protected. This does not mean you can sunbathe too long in the sun for the use of sunscreen. These facts may help you to choose the appropriate sunscreen.

Apply sunscreen in sufficient quantities and apply again every 2 hours or when the body perspires profusely or if you have been out of the water at the beach or pool. Water and sweat can make a smear of sunscreen are flushed from the body. To protect the body safe, wear protective clothing, wide-brimmed hat and as much as possible to avoid activities under the hot sun during the day.



What Bad Habits That Can Cause Facial Breakouts?

Acne is the main problem of beauty. How can one look beautiful with acne? People with oily skin are more prone infected acne and skin health problem arises not only caused by hormones or wrong diet. Our daily habits can also cause acne. So, what are the bad habits that can cause facial breakouts?

facial breakouts

1. Stress
Stress can cause your skin breakouts. You can try to be more relaxed to minimize the possibility of the appearance of acne.

2. Touching the Face
Acne is caused by the physical pressure on your face, pressure is exposing your skin to the bacteria, such as when you are wiping sweat with hand or face scratching, use of cell phones constantly or just propped hands to the face while avoiding glare.
The solution, stop touching your face with your hands. If you can not avoid it, be diligent cleansing to minimize bacteria.

3. Clothing and Equipment Sleep
Clothes, towels, pillow cases, and sheets were not clean, it contains a lot of dead skin cells and bacteria. Replace regular pillowcases and sheets you once or twice a week and use a clean towel every day. Using detergent and softener containing animal fats and perfumes can also cause irritation and acne.

4. Products for Hair
Hair products that contain oil, silicone, and plasticizers will clog the pores if the hair is often touches your skin. If you want to have a haircut bangs, you should not use products with these ingredients.

5. Drying Face to be Excessively
Removing excess excess oil can make skin irritation. With excessively drained, skin it will produce more oil. That's because the skin is naturally trying to improve and balance the existing conditions by producing more oil.
Keep your skin stay hydrated by using a facial cleanser made ​​specifically for oily skin, then use a moisturizer so that the skin does not add oil.

6. The Use of Make-up is Not Appropriate
You need to be careful with the materials contained in the following makeup:
Artificial Dyes: FD & C if there is a list of materials make up, it means that the product contains artificial colors. This material may irritate the skin and if there is the lipstick or blush on, can cause acne around the mouth and cheek.
Lanolin: This is the scientific term of sheep sebum (sebum = oil). Although the material is good for dry skin but bad for pimpled-prone skin.
Mineral Oil: This material covering of dead skin cells and bacteria are the main causes of acne and can also cause milia, tiny white bumps on your skin.
Oil: this material using the original oil. You do not have to actually add more oil on your face.
Isopropyl Miristrat: this material can not only make your skin dry, but also clog pores and cause skin irritation.
Artificial Fragrances: it also can irritate the skin and cause acne. Try not to use makeup products that contain fragrances.


Healthy Breakfast to Lose Weight

Many ways people do to obtain health care, one of them with weight loss. Especially for women, the ideal weight will certainly support your beauty and appearance.
healthy breakfast to lose weightThere is one possible way we can try to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, then efforts must be done since the early days. Eating a healthy breakfast can provide many benefits, including suppress appetite and provide energy to be active throughout the day.

Skipping breakfast is often regarded as a weight loss tactic is quite effective. Unfortunately, it can actually harm the body.

Here are some of the best breakfast can help lose weight:

1. Yogurt
Yogurt mixed with fruit and granola to be alternative low-fat foods that are good for your morning meal.
Yogurt is also high in calcium, which helps to fight fat and lose weight. Yogurt can be easily consumed and eaten by saving time in the morning.

2. whole wheat
You can also start the morning with a high fiber foods, because it helps you feel full longer, it also has a low amount of calories.
These foods help you control your weight in the morning and limit snacking throughout the day.
Wheat bread, cereal and oatmeal are high-fiber foods for breakfast in the morning which is the proper foods for weight loss.

3. Fruits
Fruits are beneficial foods to be eaten any time of the day, but are most effective when eaten in the morning.
Starting the day with fruits can make you eat healthy foods in the hours afterward, which in turn helps you lose weight.
Fruits are simple carbohydrates that can be broken down into energy, the fuel in your morning workout.
In addition, fruits contain a lot of water, which can act as an appetite suppressant and keep for no additional snack foods throughout the day.

4. Water
Start your morning with a glass of cold water or warm because it can help suppress your appetite and makes you feel full, which may help limit food and lose weight.
Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Start the day with a glass of water, also drink a glass of water about an hour before you eat to get the same effect.



Consume Fruits to Your Diet and Health

To be able to get health and beauty sometimes needed diet. Today many diet programs that offer results body healthy and slim. However, it should be careful in choosing the right diet program, because the dream of a healthy and slim body can be lost due to wrong diet program.

In choosing a diet program, limiting the consumption of certain food groups such as only eating fruits and vegetables is just too unhealthy. Because the body will lack the necessary other substances such as proteins, carbohydrates, and more. Therefore, a diet with fruits must also be balanced intake of other nutrients.

One diet program that is safe for the body is a diet with more vegetables and fresh fruit. This program is much better because of the fresh vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber as food component that are important to the diet. Consumption of fruit and vegetables in high amounts, it can also prevent people from heart attacks and cancer.

Here are the fruits that are beneficial to health and beauty skin along with nutrition:

Melons contain high sugar and lycopene, which serves as anticancer. Red and orange melon also contains carotenoids that can protect cells from free radicals. Carotenoids can also be converted into vitamin A in the body. Melon is a source of carotenoids and vitamin C.

Oranges contain phytochemicals called hesperidin that act as antioxidants. Oranges also pectin source that works to lower blood pressure. Orange fruit is low in fiber but sources of vitamin C and folate.

Strawberries contain ellagic acid as an antioxidant. In some studies ellagic acid proved to inhibit the growth of tumors in the lung, esophagus, breast, cervix and tongue. In traditional medicine, the strawberry is believed to have antibacterial and is used as a cleaner digestive system. Strawberries contain lots of vitamin C.

Apples contain carbohydrates, especially while it is growing and rich in pectin (a type of fiber). Apples contain flavonols is called quercetin, which in some studies to have anti-cancer ingredients. Quercetin also contains anti-inflammatory ingredients so beneficial for diseases such as arthritis. While the nutritional content, apples contain vitamin C but not as much as citrus fruits.

Bananas are a good source of vitamin B6 is needed to make serotonin in the brain. Serotonin works to reduce pain, suppress appetite, and made ​​to feel relaxed and reduce tension. As a traditional medicine, bananas are used to treat stomach ulcers. Unlike other fruits, bananas contain many carbohydrates, low in carotene and vitamin C but rich in potassium.

Plum contains phytochemicals called ferulic acid, which has anti-cancer compounds. The study showed more consumption of ferulic acid may help reduce the risk of intestinal cancer. Plum is a fruit that is rich in fiber and potassium.

Grape skin contains a phytochemical called resveratrol that are proven to improve heart health, anticancer, antibacterial, and contains antioxidants. Grape contains fiber and vitamin C levels.

Mango contains carotenoids called beta crytoxanthin, an antioxidant that may protect against some cancers such as colon cancer and bone cancer neck. Mango is rich in carotenoids, fiber, and vitamin C.

Kiwi contains a pigment called chlorophyll. Kiwi can be converted into a compound that has the ability to bind to cancer. The kiwi fruit is enough to meets consumption of vitamin C an adult.

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which has the ability to degrade proteins. Pineapples are often used as a meat tenderizer useful addition to aid digestion, describing blood clotting, preventing sinusitis, and urinary tract infections. Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C and fiber and contain high sugar levels.

Some common mistakes when doing the diet:

1. No breakfast
Breakfast is by choosing the right foods in the morning is very important for the body to supply the energy needed for the morning routine to avoid eating sugary or fatty snacks when hungry.

2. Avoid excessive fatty foods
Actually, fat-free diet does not mean the food is low in calories.

3. Eating salad
Salad is high in calories as a hamburger especially when the vegetables covered with cheese, crusty bread, and a high-fat gravy.

4. Much prefer juice
Eating fresh fruit is much better because it contains a lot of fiber as food component that are important to the diet. Should not be made juices

5. Tighten calorie consumption
Average body needs 1,200 to 1,500 calories each day to function. If done tightening calories, your metabolism will slow down which resulted in causing health problems such as anemia.



Benefits and How to Make Honey Mask

The benefits of honey for health and beauty have long been known, honey can be consumed directly or as a mixture of cosmetics and traditional medicines. Over the years have done a lot of research to discover the benefits of using honey and the results indicate that honey is a natural anti-bacterial and antiseptic. Honey is rich in amino acids and enzymes that are able to work magic for the health of one's skin. Honey is able to retain moisture under the skin to keep skin supple and elastic.
honey mask
Honey can be used as a moisturizer to fight acne and can also be used as a natural sunscreen. Honey clearing microbes that exist under the skin and push it out through the poresto reduce the growth of acne and keep skin moist from the inside.
Because of the nature of honey is rich in antioxidants that are also able to work well as a sunscreen and protects the skin from UV radiation.
There are so many benefits of honey, so why spend a lot of money to buy skin creams and treatments are usually very expensive.

Honey as a facial mask can be made with a variety of different purposes, not just one recipe but very many ideas can be applied to the honey depends on our desires. Many materials can we combine to create a mask of honey, such as oatmeal, lemon, eggs, milk, fruits. Whatever the practical materials and can be used as a natural good mix to soothe the skin.
Here are some tips that we can do to use honey for the health of our skin to be always awake beauty.

Facial Masks for Sensitive Skin
To make honey mask which is good for sensitive skin do the following:
Mix half a tablespoon of honey with half a banana, and a quarter cup of oat meal, cooked with some milk along with eggs. Use as a facial mask regularly.

Benefits of Honey with Lavender Oil
Combining 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 tablespoon of honey creates masks that you can apply on your face for 15 minutes. If you do this regularly you will be surprised at how it will improve your skin.

Honey Mask to Overcome Inflammation
For those who suffer from inflammation and redness of skin and itching appears combines Aloe Vera and 1 tablespoon honey. This is a very good mask and it will improve the skin when applied for 10 minutes every day. Aloe Vera is known for its calming smoothing, moisturizing and firming effect

For the severe acne, make the following mask:
1. Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lemon plus one tablespoon warm water. For best results apply this treatment every day. The honey is healing while the lemon is to clean.
2. Combine 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of honey, apply this mixture to the face until it dries and then rinse with warm water.
3. Make a mask of honey by adding a few drops of tea tree oil and then apply on the skin. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties, anti-fungal and antiseptic qualities combine with honey to make a stronger mix to cure acne.

Tips on Choosing Honey
To make honey mask use honey that has been filtered, but not ultra-filtered, ultra filtration will eliminate many of the properties of natural honey. Do not use raw honey or honey that has not been filtered at all because it may contain pollen, dirt, dust and other foreign substances that can harm your skin.
Make sure you test your honey masks on a small patch of skin before using it on your skin because there are some people who have sensitive skin.

How to Prepare Honey Mask?
To get the best out of a mask of honey, you have to prepare for their new organic materials each time you use it. Always add a tablespoon of warm water to honey is not too sticky and easy to apply to the skin. With the many natural benefits of honey then it is worth it to us to take the time to implement this honey mask and enjoy a healthy skin and flawless beauty. Good luck!


Hair Care Tips to Stay Healthy and Beautiful

Every woman would dream can have beautiful hair and shining as it often shown in the ad. A woman's natural beauty can not be separated from the hair because hair is a crown for every woman. A healthy scalp is also very necessary that hair always looks beautiful and shining.
hair care
Here are tips that you can do to keep your hair healthy, beautiful and shining:

1. healthy eating
It becomes very important for you to do that is by eating healthy foods, this is the best way to keep your hair healthy from the inside. If you're undergoing diet programs then make sure that your diet contains enough amounts of vitamin E.
The essential oils in the food is very important to make the hair shiny. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, avocado, nuts and olive are important sources of vitamins needed by the hair.
Drink plenty of water each day is also important to maintain your body and hair hydrated, you need a minimum of eight glasses of water (2 liters) per day.

2. Cold water rinse after shampooing
Perform rinse with cold water after you wash your hair with hot water, this will cause the cuticle (outer layer) of the hair close so will make hair more shine.
Cold water rinse before drying very nice thing to do.

3. Keep Your Hair Trimmed
As your hair grows longer, it makes sense that the ends of the strands farthest from your scalp are quite old, especially for the ladies with long hair. If your hair is more than 6 inches long, the ends are at least one year old.
By keeping the ends trimmed of older hair and split ends, you get rid of the frizz and "roughness" that prevents light from reflecting off your hair. You should get the ends trimmed every 6-8 weeks to keep your hair looking its healthiest, shiniest best.

4. brushing hair
To keep hair shiny it is important to brush your hair regularly and correctly. Do it carefully because due to excessive brushing will cause damaged hair, dull and dry.
Do not brush your hair when your hair is wet, as it will cause the hair to lose its elasticity. We recommend using a plastic comb or wide toothed wood to detangle hair while still wet
When brushing your hair should begin to brush the tangles in the hair after it was done slowly the whole hair.
If you start from the roots and brush directly, you risk making any bad tangle and break hair mid-shaft.

5. Drying your hair
Most people always use a towel to hair drying, rub a rough way, this is a mistake, this will cause damage to the hair. Instead, use a towel to squeeze the water out of your hair, and then blot to absorb excess moisture.
Let your hair dry naturally is the best, but if you use a hair dryer, point the nozzle down the hair shaft and keep at least 15 cm away from your hair. Use cold air if you can, which will help keep it smooth and shiny.


Determining the Correct Diet and Effective

Many ways can be taken to improve health and beauty. The ultimate goal so we can look more confident and perfect in public. One way is to diet. Many diet programs are offered sometimes make us so confused, we often disappointed because the diet is doing is not working properly. This is the time for us to reflect and reorganize so that we can find the right way to diet.
Here are the basic factors that you should consider before starting a diet program.

Have you ever failed in diet?
Maybe we've run a diet program in the past and failed so that we become lazy to do the diet again. Why do you think it failed? When we consider our diets fail then there is no more motivation to try something better. Hunger and limited food choices sometimes made ​​us so lazy to diet. Understand the reasons why your diet failed in the past and find the strengths and weaknesses of your diet, so help you make a better diet and more effective.

Define the schedule for your diet.
Make a daily schedule to shop and prepare food for your diet program. This is very important because if you do not have time for it then your diet will not work well.

Setting a budget for your diet.
Diet does not mean saving money. Sometimes we think of as a diet that will save you money because we only need a little to eat. Such assumption is not true because in reality it requires a specific diet for a budget over a special meal prepared for the diet program. Perhaps also needed a special diet supplements sometimes have a meeting with experts or consultants diet program.
Do you have to prepare a budget for your diet program?

Recognize the diet program developers.
You should know in advance whether you are going to run the diet developed by a qualified person? Is the diet based on scientific research? If you doubt it should not be run because your diet certainly will not work.

Find support
Support from family or other groups on the diet will help increase your focus and determination to succeed in a diet.

Visit your doctor to get advice on any diet you want to do, especially if you suffer from certain disease conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. Selection of the wrong diet can be bad for your health so it is necessary to check with your doctor first. Your doctor can also help you to set your goals when it comes to weight loss plans.



The Benefits of Consuming Lemon Juice for Health And Beauty

Do you like fruit juice? Fruit juice in its natural form will give the best results. You must already know the benefits of fruit juice that we consume. Very beneficial to our health. The fruit is consumed in the form of a truly healthy will provide the greatest health benefits in terms of holistic health. Fruits that we eat can rejuvenate the appearance making it look younger, more shining skin beauty.

lemon juice benefitsHere we will share 10 benefits of consuming lemon juice or lemon juice mixed with honey, and when we drink regularly every day.

1. Lemon fruits contain anti-bacterial property and it is great in treating and curing throat infections.

2. As a natural antiseptic, it is associated with healing properties which is awesome for a number of skin-related problems.

3. For the beauty conscious, drinking lemon water naturally and on a regular basis without the usual processed white sugar content being added to it but with raw honey will not only make the skin looks better but glow with a tint of health. You may wonder why it is so good in bringing about a beautiful complexion to your overall skin. What it can do, is that it acts as an anti-aging remedy, helping to remove wrinkles or blackheads. In view of its vitamin C content in this citrus, it not only enhances beauty by rejuvenating from within, but also promotes the level of immunity to common illnesses.

4. Lemon water helps in reducing or breaking fever by increasing perspiration and has proven to fight against common cold effectively. It thus paves the way for simple home treatment approaches for folks who are very much comfortable with natural treatment of illnesses.

5. Not only is it able to act as a blood purifier such as in cases where patient is undergoing treatment for Malaria, cholera or dengue fever but also as a cleansing agent. It helps flush out bacteria and toxins from the body. It helps in constipation too.

6. Lemon juice 's ability to help the liver produce more bile, acting as a liver tonic, helping in the digestion of food is also regarded as an agent for gallstones remover.

7. For those with digestion problem such as heartburn, belching and bloating, taking lemon juice mix with hot water will bring much relief. Besides, symptoms of heartburn and nausea could be effectively treated with it. Furthermore, it can help in regulating blood pressure level, having a stabilizing effect to the bodily system.

8. It has been used in dental care as well because it can actually assist in getting rid of pain when apply onto the areas of the toothache. On gum bleeding and bad smell problems related to gums, just applying the massages of fresh lemon juices on gums would have settle the problem.

9. Lemon is a diuretic and therefore great in treating rheumatism and arthritis. Apart from this, it also assists in the treatment of respiratory disorders such as asthmatic patients with breathing problems.

10. Act as a health agent for weight loss, taking lemon juice or water with raw honey added makes for a unique way of reducing body weight to a quicker pace. It greatly works against obesity.



Benefits of Vitamin C for Health

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is needed by the body and serves to enhance the immune system. When the human body be fulfilled vitamins and minerals, then all kinds of diseases can be prevented. Consuming vitamin C can also act as an antioxidant proven to ward off viruses such as the flu virus.

vitamin CVitamin C easily soluble in water so that when the vitamin is consumed than is needed, the excess is discarded in the urine. Because it is not stored in the body, vitamin C should be consumed every day. The dose needed for the average adult is 60-90 mg / day. But it could be more depending on the condition of the body and endurance of each person is different. Maximum allowed limit for vitamin C is 1,000 mg / day.

Lack of vitamin C can cause bleeding gums, thrush, muscle pain or neurological disorders. Further deficiencies cause anemia, frequent infections and rough skin. While excess vitamin C can cause of diarrhea. When excess vitamin C due to the use of supplements in a long time can lead to kidney stones, whereas when excess vitamin C from fruits generally do not cause side effects.

Foods that contain vitamin C are generally fruits and vegetables. Fruits that contain vitamin C are not always yellow, as the guava is a fruit with the highest vitamin C content that we consume. In fact, in several pieces, the skin contains vitamin C higher than the fruit. For example, in the skin of apples and oranges, although not all are edible rind.

Fruits that you meet was a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C has many benefits, especially to help your endurance. Consumption of vitamin C naturally by always enjoy the fruits that are around you so that we stay healthy.


Apple Benefits for Health And Beauty

Apples that we know has a lot of health benefits. There are many variants of apples, color, size and taste. much preferred because apple have a distinctive taste. According to the study, the apple has many health benefits because it has lots of vitamins.
Apple has many vitamins, minerals and other elements such as fitokimian, fiber, tannins, baron, tartar acid, and others. This substance is very necessary for our body to prevent and combat various diseases.
apple benefits

What is contained in apples? And what are the benefits of the apple?

Rich in Vitamins
Apples are rich in vitamins. Some vitamins are found in apples such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C.

Rich in Mineral
Apples contain many minerals. Minerals in apple fruit such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc.

Apples also contain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are antioxidants to fight free radicals that come from pollution or the environment. This substance also serves to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) that can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Rich in Fiber
Apples are rich in fiber, so it is good for people who are in a diet program. This is due to the high fiber thus preventing hunger comes more quickly.

Fiber to reduce fat and cholesterol
Apples contain fiber which is useful bind fat and bad cholesterol in the body for later disposal.

Apples also contain tannins. Tannins are substances that work to clean and freshen the mouth, so as to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

In the apples are baron. Is it baron? Baron serves to maintain the amount of estrogen in a woman's body.

One of the content of the apples are good for preventing disease is flavoid. Flavoid is a substance that functions reduce cancer risk.

D-glucaric acid
D-glucaric acid is a substance that can lower cholesterol levels.

Quercetin is a substance that is needed to increase the levels of antioxidants that the body feels healthier and prevent various diseases. Apples contain a substance quercetin.

Acid tartar
Acid tartar that can nourish the digestive tract, as these substances are capable of killing bacteria in the digestive tract.

Many benefits of apples for our health is also very beneficial to the diet to add beauty.



How To Make Your Skin Healthy And Beautiful

Important things to do for keep skin healthy is to prevent it from damage. Sunlight, air pollution can cause damage to the skin characterized by itching, dry skin, slack and age spots appeared.
Currently, there are many methods that can be easily applied to treat the porters to stay healthy and delay aging.

healthy skin Keeping skin healthy to be the main thing that always looks attractive, healthy skin make confident. Keep yourself fit by doing exercise tailored to ability and age. Maintain the cleanliness of the bathroom twice a day, adequate rest and a healthy diet is the basis for natural health and beauty of skin.
A good diet is an excellent way to achieve a good health in general but also ensures that your skin will get all the vitamins and minerals, along with the nutrients needed to sustain and improve yourself.

Another way to keep your skin healthy is to apply the right skin care product for your skin. A variety of skin care products, anti aging that can either help you to moisturize the skin are now widely available in cosmetics stores. Having a clean skin using a good skin cleanser is also a great way to prevent skin damage.

Ultraviolet radiation from sun exposure leading cause damage to the skin, resulting in wrinkles, age spots, premature aging and even skin cancer.
Using a body protector when out in the sun at 10 o'clock to 3 pm, like wearing long-sleeved shirt, umbrella and most importantly, apply a natural sunscreen or moisturizer that includes sunscreen (which contains SPF 15) each day. Not fully we away from the sun as the morning sun at sunrise and in the afternoon before sunset is not harmful to the skin even very healthy for our skin.

a variety of fine skin care products such as an all natural moisturizer is one of the essential components for a vigorous complexity. Keep on moisturizing all through the day to keep your sensitive skin vigorous.



How to Whiten Skin Naturally

At present every woman wants could have the healthy skin and shining, they often try different care products, including facial bleach for satisfactory results.
Actually it is not only women who do it, a lot of men also do it.
Facial skin is the most troublesome for women.
Whiten skin naturally is actually very simple and definitely safer than whiten the face with cosmetics that are mixed with chemicals. Natural materials can be found in the kitchen and around the house we turned out to have a great benefit to whiten the face. What are the ingredients?
whiten skin naturally, white skin

Tomato mask is believed to soften and smooth the skin.

Mask use potatoes as it can whiten and soften skin.

Bengkoang mask, can whiten and remove black spots and pigmentation on the skin.

Avocado beneficial for moisturizing the skin, because avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils.
Rub gently around the face let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water, do it every night.

This one fruit actually much beneficial for health and beauty, and can shrink pores and remove the rest is oil on the skin.
Take meat lemon, apply on skin. Usually around the nose and cheek pores look big. To whiten and soften the skin. Rub lemon slices on the skin of the face and other body parts.

Eggs are an excellent face mask, certainly with this egg mask can be used as a face whitening tips. Take one egg and add a little honey to taste water and apply on face, leave on for 15 minutes then wash.



Breast Care Tips To Stay Healthy And Sexy

It's important for women to maintain the beauty of the breast to keep it sexy, solid and tight as sagging breasts affect the beauty of the body. Especially for women who have been pregnant and lactating, in which the breasts no longer tight due to the shrinking of the mammary gland. Other causes, can also be due  weakening of the connective tissue supporting the breast and breast skin elasticity decreases.
breast care

Some steps to treat breast to keep it toned and beautiful:

1. Wear the right bra
The most appropriate solution to overcome the problem of the breast is to wear the right bra for breasts. Make sure your bra fits with the size of the breast, can be well rested, having the right shape, and design and comfortable material.
Most important is the bra should be comfortable to wear. Use the special bra when you exercise. That sweat easily absorbed and well propped breast.

2. Make a habit of standing and sitting up straight
The habit of sitting and standing is sometimes often forgotten when we preoccupation soluble in a job. As a result affect the shape of the breast.

3. Exercise can restore tightness the breast
Repeat the exercise on the chest muscles. Do it regularly to get maximum results.

4. hormone Status
Hormonal disorders often complained women. There is pain and stiffness in the breast. Complaints often occurs before or during menstruation. "The pain varies, there is a common pain, sometimes there is also a feeling of incredible pain, Breast prepared the body to produce milk at the end of pregnancy. When menstruation, breast conditions influenced by female hormones, This makes the breasts feel more solid and tight.



How To Prevent Acne Reappears

Actually more difficult to prevent acne reappears rather than curing acne. Anxiety arises when we can get rid of acne one by one. Worry about the emergence of new acne. The cause of acne because of stress, wrong diet, clogged pores by dirt or pollution, etc. that eventually lead to inflammation of the facial skin. There are so many acne products and treatments, but most of the products are ineffective and only spend the money. How to stop acne came back is simple once you begin to tackle the causes acne.

acneAcne appear when skin is oily and there are dead skin cells and impurities on the skin causing excessive clogging pores. When we are stressed we forgot to keep the face and hands. Sometimes hands can also be cause of acne when hands are soiled wiping the sweat in the face. Blockage of the pores of the skin causing inflammation. Products and treatments on the market solve this problem, but they fail to address what is causing this to happen. This is why conventional products and treatments fail to cure acne permanently.

You can cut off the top of the weed but the weed will continue to grow. You can only get rid of the weeds by plucking out the roots. Treating acne is the same. How to stop acne from appearing becomes easy when you are trying to get rid of the causes of acne.

The first thing you need to do is to pay attention to your diet. Diet plays a big role in causing acne appears. Foods high in sugar content can cause the body to produce more androgens which can cause our oil glands become hyperactive. It also increases the rate of proliferation of skin cells, which means the skin cells faster turnover rate. This will cause our pores clog easily.

How to stop acne from appearing is not a mystery and if you truly want to stop acne from appearing again, reduce your intake of high sugar content food and foods that are high in trans fat. This is the first step you need to take to cure acne permanently. Instead of eating foods that are high in sugar, eat more natural foods like vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits. These foods are high in nutrients and they will help to keep your immune system strong. Remember to drink at least 2 liters of water daily to help your body flush out the toxins too. A strong immune system and healthy can help keep acne reappears.


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