Something that natural is better and useful. As the five kinds of fruit, so many benefits for the beauty skin.
All five pieces have individual benefits for beauty skin:
Apples: Can be used as a skin conditioner and toner. The apple juice is very helpful in treating facial wrinkles, cracked skin, or inflammation. Apple juice can also be mixed into the water bath to obtain fresh and softer skin. In addition, apples are also able to reduce bad breath and protect the scalp from dandruff.

Apricot: apricot juice is great to deal sunburned skin, eczema and hives.
Pineapple: It is useful to soften and cleanse the skin. Skin rough and dry skin can be reduced by taking this tropical fruit. Pineapple can also be applied to the skin rough like elbows, arms, knees, and heels.

Avocados: The fruit is often used in beauty treatments since long. The content of vitamin E in it merit overcome dry skin and make it look more beautiful.
Lemon: The fruit is useful as well as refreshing skin cleanser. Use lemon wedges on the dirty or blackened skin such as elbows and heels. While lemon juice mixed with water bath efficacious to get fresh skin. Not only that, lemon can also be used to treat dandruff and cleanse the scalp.