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Benefits Of Natural Bee Honey For Health

Honey that comes from bees have tremendous benefits, especially for health.

1. Increasing Energy
Honey, like sugar, can provide power to move. And certainly more healthy than other sweeteners.

bee honey benefits2. As Anti-Inflammation
A variety of drinks are made ​​of honey and apple cider vinegar is very well known as a treatment for joint pain.

3. Smooth Skin
Many cosmetics usually add honey as an additional composition because of its anti-bacterial properties so it can hydrate the skin and reduce acne.

4. Treat Digestive Problems
Honey is a home remedy are quite popular for all types of problems related to the digestive system. You could try adding honey to the lemon tea.

5. Boost The Immune System
antioxidant and anti-bacterial substances contained in honey can boost the immune system against bacteria, including the common flu disease.

6. Helps lose weight
Honey can be very useful in running a diet program when used in doses sufficient as a sugar substitute.

That's just part of the benefits of honey, there are many more benefits to be gained by consuming natural honey.
Consume every day will feel many benefits for our bodies.



Simple Treatment For Thinning Hair

Hair loss can be a scary thing, especially for women. How could a woman can look beautiful if you do not have any hair? Hair loss and becomes thinner and eventually a bald can be due when combing or pulling hair too tight when dry with a blow dry. As we know thin hair is the beginning of symptoms a bald hair. Of course we do not want beautiful shiny hair becomes thin hair.
hair loss, thin hair

A Simple Way To Prevent Hair Loss

1. Scalp Massage
Reduced blood to the hair follicles causes hair loss. for it to do a light massage on the scalp regularly at least 1 week using stale tea, this is to increase blood circulation. With the increased circulation of blood flow to the head can accelerate nutrients to the scalp so that hair grows normally.

2. Consuming Soy
One of the causes of hair loss is the amount of testosterone in the bloodstream. To maintain testosterone levels, you simply consume soy. The thyroid gland can also cause hair loss, if you have a doctor check it.

3. Consumption of Foods
Consumption of nutritious foods that contain lots of protein, because the element of hair consists of protein. Lack of protein causes hair to become brittle and easily fall out. To keep hair healthy and strong, eat foods like eggs, fish, milk, cheese and lean meats.

4. Avoid Hair Tie
Without realizing tying the hair too strong can cause hair loss and hair becomes a thin. For that reason, avoid using rubber hair tie, tie hair with a soft material and not too strong. The best thing is do not tie your hair.

A short article about a simple treatment for thinning hair. The treatment is simple, but can be prevented from thinning hair symptoms and do not need special treatment in the salon with expensive fees. Avoid bad habits and let's do a healthy lifestyle, Have a beautiful hair and shiny with a healthy lifestyle.



The Best Food For A Right Diet

Many thought that the diet only reduced the amount of food consumed per day, assuming as it does not completely wrong because a diet aimed at weight loss, but the wrong diet it will result in worsening health and even can lead organ damage.
The basic principle of the diet is to lose weight then you need to keep the amount of calories you eat less than you burn.
Sounds simple, but it can be quite difficult to keep your calorie intake low due to frequent healthy meals and snacks that are not very filling, and you end up overeating just to feel full.
Leading nutrition experts say that there are actually quite a few foods that can fill you up while keeping calories low!
diet food

What are the best foods to lose weight?

Salmon has long been praised for its health benefits, but did you also know that it is one of the best snacks for weight loss?
It's true: experts say that its high omega-3 fatty acid content will help you lose weight because omega-3s have the ability to make your body more sensitive to glucose and thus decrease your insulin resistance. Glucose and insulin have major impacts on your weight because they affect the way the body either converts food into energy or stores it as fat.
Additionally, with its 21.6 grams, salmon is another great source of lean protein-without containing all the calories and cholesterol you will get from red meat.

When you are on a diet, one of the best foods you can possibly eat is an egg.
Eggs are excellent sources of appetite-appeasing protein, boasting six grams of protein in a single egg. Eggs also provide you with Vitamin D, which is essential for the body because of its ability to help you maintain normal blood levels of both calcium and phosphorus while also protecting you from osteoporosis, cancer, and hypertension.

Cottage Cheese
One of the absolute best snacks for weight loss is cottage cheese, which is packed with the nutrients you need but very low in calories.
For starters, one serving of cottage cheese provides you with a whopping 69 mg of calcium, and according to nutrition expert  calcium is a crucial part of a weight loss-promoting diet because it "helps maintain muscle mass, which maintains metabolism, helping you burn calories more efficiently throughout the day."
Cottage cheese is also a great snack for dieters because it contains 15 grams of protein. You should definitely go for high-protein foods while you are trying to lose weight because, protein will help "reduce blood fats and maintain lean tissue while burning fat for fuel without dieters being sidetracked with constant hunger."
Try eating low-fat cottage cheese with fresh berries so as you get tons of calcium and protein, you can also get a serving or two of fruit!

If you incorporate the best food for weight loss into your daily diet, you will be able to finally hit your target weight and have the body of your dreams!




Make Hair Grow Faster Naturally

Make Hair Grow Faster Naturally. Long hair, healthy, shiny and natural.
Hair is like a crown for the people especially for women who always want to look perfect. Hair is the crowning beauty of women. However, men also need hair.
Since the time of ancient human hair is needed to keep them warm, protect from the sun, cuts and scratches and provide camouflage even the hair into a good grip for their children.
people will be panic, excessive stress and anxiety when encountering their hair loss and thinning. Although many drugs offered on the market, but may not be able work well.
Causes of hair loss and thinning could be due to the selection of the wrong foods, poor dietary choices, toxic hair care products and hair care are poorly. Health problems and stress also be a cause hair loss.
Hair that has been damaged by a bad diet can be overcome with natural hair foods, vitamins and supplements. Of course there is no medicine that can treat this problem in a short time.
hair loss, naturally hair

Alfalfa Sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts are a source of vitamins A, B2, B5, C and K that contains folic acid and phytochemicals and also contain elements such as magnesium, copper and zinc. These are the elements that are essential to hair. Makes hair strong and healthy scalp.
Better not be persuaded by commercial products that may contain many chemicals, try to find natural ingredients that are safer and effective to overcome hair loss.

Carrots are a good source of vitamin A, in addition to good for visions, vitamin A is also good for hair. Carrots will encourage follicles to promote hair growth

Green Leafy Vegetables
Like spinach and rocket, dark green leafy vegetables contain calcium and iron as well as vitamins A and C which helps produce sebum which is important for hair growth.

Wheat Germ
Wheat germ is a part of the wheat kernel. Wheat germ is very high in protein, and contains potassium, calcium, zinc, thiamine, niacin and vitamins that are necessary in maintaining healthy hair and skin.

Some vitamins and supplements to consider are:

Also called vitamin H, is a type of vitamin B complex. Biotin can help the body metabolize fats and amino acids and is a growth factor that is valuable in many processes in the body including the hair. Biotin is used to prevent excessive hair loss and as a vitamin for hair, as well as to prevent the hair turning gray.

Is a B vitamin that helps the body turn food into energy, is essential for blood circulation and good for digestion. Niacin is involved in DNA repair, accelerate hair growth and strengthening hair.

Para Aminobenzoic Acid(PABA)
Para Aminobenzoic Acid also known as PABA for short. this is a potent anti oxidant. It aids in the metabolism and utilization of amino acids and is also supportive of red blood cells. PABA is important to skin, hair pigment, and intestinal health.

The above are just some of the recommended vitamins for hair growth, and are all contained in a supplement called Profoll.

Foods that should be avoided:

Avoid dead foods, such as white sugar and processed foods. Cut down on excess caffeine and alcohol, which retards hair growth.



Five Kinds Of Natural Oil To Fade Acne Scars

All people crave healthy skin and freedom from acne scars, especially for women who always wanted to perform with her ​​beauty. Acne scars are very disturbing appearance. What kind of treatment can really work?
As we know so many treatments for acne scars that are on the market. Of the many which can work effectively for acne scars?
Facts prove that a natural treatment is the best solution to treat acne scars, safest and cheapest.
What is particularly surprising to people is that many of these natural treatments contain oils, which should logically be doing more harm than good. However, what you find is that the properties in these oils help to combat bacteria that causes acne and leaves you with terrible scars.

olive oil
natural oil, acne scars

Olive oil is considered the best treatment for acne scars because the results are really good and the time is not long.
Olive oil is useful for many things, including for smoothing skin and reduce the appearance of scars.

Tea Tree Oil

This is also one of those remedies that can treat just about any kind of skin scarring and can be applied directly to the skin. In no time, you will start to see your acne scars diminish.

Groundnut Oil

When mixed as a paste with lime juice, groundnut oil can be used to help freshen the skin and create that natural glow that comes from having a smoother skin surface.

Oregano Oil
This is a product that can be applied directly to the acne scars. It will help to bring all the fluid in your acne cysts to the surface and allow it to drain out. Once the cysts have been drained, you can stop using this oil and then start applying peroxide to allow the cysts to scab over. Once they have scabbed over, honey is great at finishing the healing process so you do not get those nasty scars.

Coconut Oil

When considering applying coconut oil to the skin with cotton balls, make sure you use extra virgin coconut oil, which has all of the natural properties needed to cure your skin of acne scarring. Coconut oil is also very effective at soothing and smoothing the skin surface without adding any bacterial properties. This miraculous treatment will help you have smoother and softer skin in a very short matter of time.

The best treatment for acne scars is the treatment you can put together naturally. Not only will you save money, but you will also get good results without the side effects that come with expensive, prescription acne treatments.



Take Care of Aging Skin Tips

Aging skin is a part of aging. You can not really stop wrinkles and lines appear on your face. But the good news is, you actually can delay the signs of aging skin. With proper care and effort, you can certainly turn back the clock and keep your skin looking young for long periods with skin care tips.

1. Wear sunscreen each day
This is probably a golden rule when it comes to skin care. The UV rays of the sun are the main cause of early aging of the skin, so to avoid it, you should protect your skin all the time. You should wear sunscreen every day, all year round, with a minimum SPF 15 and make sure to use one that blocks both UVA and UVB. UVA rays are responsible for skin aging, while UVB rays are responsible for sunburns. For women, you can also use cosmetics with SPF built in for extra protection.

2. Limit your exposure to sunlight
To avoid direct sunlight, the best way is to avoid going out when the sun is strongest, usually between 10:00 to 03:00. If you really need to go out in the sun, do not forget to use an umbrella, wear protective clothing, sunglasses,lip wear protection and most importantly wear sunscreen.

3. Eating foods high in antioxidants
Antioxidants help fight free radicals that are damaging compounds that attack cells and cause premature aging of the skin. Eating foods rich in antioxidants such as blueberries, pomegranates, acai berries and goji berry can help to prevent and repair damage caused by free radicals.  Antioxidants will strengthen the immune system.

4. Use skin care products with anti aging ingredients
Products infused with anti aging ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids and retinol can help protect the skin from further damage. These ingredients are also effective in treating visible signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, age spots and dry skin.

5. Undergo anti aging facial skin care treatments once in a while
If you want a more aggressive approach, non invasive anti aging facial treatments can help rejuvenate your skin. Most skin care products only work at the top layer of the skin, unlike facial skin treatments that work on a cellular level to effectively rejuvenate the skin.

Always remember that it is never too late, nor too early to take care of your skin and adapt an anti aging skin care routine. Follow these steps and for sure you'll keep your skin as young as you feel. Good luck!



Slim And Smooth Stomach Tips

For most women the ideal body is a healthy body and slim, includes a flat stomach, tight and smooth. Thus, efforts were made to obtain the desired shape. Many ways are offered from traditional to modern ways with high-tech equipment.
There are several steps we can do to get the ideal body, healthy and slim. especially flat stomach, tight and smooth
slim and smooth stomach tips

The cause of the stomach is not smooth
stomach uneven and not smooth due to fat deposits, it could be because after giving birth. Fat is the major cause of the stomach is not smooth. Excess fat in the body, right under the skin tissue, called fat (depot fat).

Cause deposition of fat:

  • Gen (offspring): these factors have a big impact on the problem of obesity and deposition of fat.
  • Hormones: estrogen present in the female body.
  • Age: age, making the skin sag and not tight.
  • Food: eating in excess will be facilitate the emergence of deposition of fat in the stomach, waist, hips, and thighs.

For the have a slim and smooth stomach, body treatments can be done internally and externally

Internal treatment

  • Consuming beverages such as herbal teas or herbal products that contain ingredients that can expedite the planning and circulation, so that the skin becomes tight.
  • Avoid fatty foods and high carbohydrate.
  • Expand consume protein foods, such as fish, chicken, egg whites, and beans.
  • Expand food fruits and vegetables fresh.
  • Avoid foods and snack foods or beverages containing alcohol.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Drink anti cellulite capsules.
  • Perform regular exercise.
  • Create a balance between work and recreation, and always positive thinking

External treatment

  • Perform scrubbing to remove dead cells that clog pores. This method helps reduce the lines in the abdomen.
  • Perform massage the abdomen with olive oil to help destroy abdominal fat.
  • Apply anti-cellulite cream.
  • Perform body steam or sauna bath. Another way to streamline stomach.
  • Acupuncture Therapy. Aiming to stimulate the brain to starve and should be done regularly.
  • Liposuction is suctioning the fat under the skin. How this is done by expert doctors and the high cost.



Natural Health And Beauty Secrets

Natural beauty and healthy skin, of course that's what every woman wanted. However, in their daily life, women are familiar with the make-up and without realizing the chemicals generally used in cosmetics women. Chemicals are used to help maintain the quality, preserve and enhance the efficacy of cosmetic itself. Appropriate use of chemicals and the proper dosage of chemicals are not harmful because it becomes one of supporting for an effective product for the face.
However, the use of natural materials can minimize the side effects of chemicals. That is why at this time many cosmetic uses of organic.
To get the natural beauty and healthy, we can use existing materials in the kitchen and around the house. And certainly we can get a natural beauty and healthy at a low cost.
You can use the following materials:
natural health and beauty

*Green Tea
Pollution is one reason destruction of healthy skin. You can prevent skin damage by consuming 6 cups of green tea a day. Green tea contains many antioxidants. Using green tea is believed to protect the skin from free radicals from food or pollution so as to prevent wrinkles on the skin.

*Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is been used to treat the hair to always look dark, lush and healthy. Mucus in aloe vera can prevent the liquid out of the skin so that moisture can be maintained. The resulting sense of cool aloe vera is also beneficial for treating burns.

Avocado fruit is rich in benefits. The content of vitamin E that is the fruit is used for softening and natural moisturizer for the face. You can also use avocado to moisturize dry hair.

Benefits of honey for beauty has been known for a long time. Honey is useful to moisturize skin and reduce skin irritation. Put honey on your lips will also moisturize your lips so avoid chapped lips.

Aside from being a delicious beverage, coffee can be used as a scrub to smooth the skin.

Coconut can be a solution to overcome dry skin and dry hair. Coconuts are processed into virgin coconut oil (VCO) has a high lauric acid content which acts as an antibacterial.

Ginger has many uses in the field of health. Ginger is also beneficial for beauty. Warmth obtained from ginger will enhance blood circulation and tightens the skin so that it can make your face more beautiful. You can also prevent the occurrence of stretchmarks with a massage using grated ginger. In using ginger to the skin, should be tested first to avoid irritation to the skin.

The benefits of soy for health and beauty was not in doubt. Soy can be used to lighten the skin. As for the hair, soy can prevent hair so as not to dry and easy to set up.

The content of grape seeds and grape skins are rich in antioxidants. Grape so beneficial to improve elasticity and protect the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet light. Grapes contain linoleic and polyphenols can prevent wrinkles and acts as a natural anti-aging.

Roses can be used as astrigent that serves to shrink pores and reduce oil on the face. Using rose oil to moisturize the face and reduces redness on the face.

This interest became the basis for aromatherapy to calm the mind. For the skin, lavender can promote the regeneration of cells and killing the bacteria that cause acne.

*Olive Oil
Olive oil to soften and make the skin more supple and healthy.

*Sesame Oil
In addition to cooking, this oil works to smooth and soften the skin, hair or nails that are cracked.

Strawberry useful to prevent the skin from becoming dull. Strawberries contain salicylic acid which is very good to keep skin healthy, antioxidant substances help repair skin damage caused by environment that not good. This acid also can shrink pores and brighten skin. One thing you can do is use the strawberry mask.

Lemon is often used as an antibacterial face to prevent acne. Lemon can also treat dry skin on heels, elbows and knees, rub lemon on that part.

Chocolate can make beautiful. Masks chocolate has many benefits, to maintain softness, moisturize, tighten and refine the skin. Chocolate can also slow down the aging of the skin, including the prevention of wrinkles on the face.

By using papaya containing papain enzin, you can remove the top layer of dead skin on the surface of the skin, eliminating dark spots and even out skin tone. Papaya contains vitamin A and vitamin C that works as an antioxidant.

There are so many benefits to be gained from nature to support the health and beauty. Therefore, we must make use of the responsible also to preserve it.



Preventing Hair Loss

Healthy hair will greatly supporting performances. Women who want to look beautiful of course have to pay attention to healthy hair.
Nutrition is very important for healthy hair, are: Water, protien, biotin (part of the vitamin B complex), vitamin A, B6, B12, C, copper, metal, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, calcium, folic acid, and magnesium , all play a role in maintaining healthy hair and scalp.
Here are some ways that can be applied in everyday life so that your hair and scalp is always healthy.

1. Use your fingers to massage your scalp which will increase the circulation in your scalp. Because circulation is very important for hair growth.
hair loss
2. Combing or brushing your hair will help break up the oil and dirt that clog your pores. Advised to comb or brush 100-200 movement in the morning and at night.

3. Avoid the sun, wind, and excessive heat such as from hair dryers, hot showers, and curling irons.

4. Caps and helmets will cause poor circulation in your scalp and will also cause a buildup of sweat and dirt.

5. If you have a high activity level or stress in your life, try to reduce stress by taking some time each day just to relax, excessive stress is believed to trigger hair loss.

6. If you use hair dyes, coloring limit to once in 2 months. Coloring hair too often will cause damage to the hair.

7. When combing your hair done gently, do not pull your hair when you comb your hair and avoid using hair clips. because it causes your hair taut.

8. Use conditioner.

9. Get enough sleep.

Hopefully with these tips you can be Preventing Hair Loss.

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