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10 Benefits Of Water Consumption

Water in the body of which serves to maintain freshness, help digestion and remove toxins. Many of the benefits of water other than refreshing the body.
water, benefits of waterMany people do not know the benefits water other than to eliminating thirsty. Water can cure various diseases in a way that is easy and inexpensive. Here are 10 benefits of water that may be the reference time will consume drinks outside of water.

1. Streamlining The Digestive System
Drinking water in sufficient quantities each day will facilitate the digestive system so that we will avoid digestive problems such as ulcers or constipation. Burning calories will also be run efficiently.

2.  Preventing Cancer Progress
White Water Helps Slow growth substances cause cancer, plus prevent kidney stones and heart disease. Drinking water will make the body more energy.

3. Beauty Care
Lack of drinking water will cause the skin to become dry. In addition, water can protect the skin from the outside, as well as moisturize and nourish the skin. To maintain the beauty of anything, as the body must fully considered, with drinking water 8-10 glasses a day.

4. To Fertility
Bathing with cold water every morning will increase testosterone production in men and estrogen in women. Increasing fertility uterus and increase sexual desire, improves skin tissue, nails healthier and stronger.
According to the research result of a thrombosis research institute in London, England, if someone is always showered with cold water then smooth blood circulation and the body feels fresh and fit. Bathing with cold water will increase the production of white blood cells in the body and increase one's ability to attack the virus.

5. Healthy Heart
Water is also believed to participate cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, respiratory disease, intestinal disease and femininity. Today many alternative treatments that use water.

6. As Stroke Drug
Hot water is not only used to treat a variety of skin diseases, but also effective for treating paralysis, such as stroke. Therefore, water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as expedite the circulatory system and respiratory system.

Effect of heat causes dilation of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and oxygenation tissue, thus preventing muscle stiffness, relieve pain and calm the mind. The content of ions, especially chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate in hot water, helps the dilation of blood vessels thus increasing blood circulation. Besides pH of the water was able to sterilize the skin.

7. Relaxation Effects
Try standing in the shower and feel the effects in the body. Shower water that falls into the body feels like a massage and was able to eliminate fatigue because it feels like a massage. Alternative medical experts say, that come into contact with a fountain, a walk around the waterfalls, or rivers and parks with lots of showers, will receive benefits negative ions. Negative ions which arise due to water droplets collide it can relieve pain, neutralize toxins, fight disease, and help to absorb and utilize oxygen. Negative ions in the bloodstream will accelerate the delivery of oxygen to cells and tissues.
When experiencing muscle tension can be reduced by a warm water bath temperature 37C. When our aching feet are recommended to soak the feet in warm water mixed with a little salt.

8. Slimming Body
Water is also remove impurities in the body that will be faster out through urine. Drink warm water before meals (satiety cause) is one way to reduce the amount of food intake. Moreover the water not containing calories, sugar, or fat. Better drinking of water at medium temperatures, not too hot and not too cold. Want to slim? Just drinking of water.

9. Adding Fitness
Efficacy of water not only to cleanse the body, but also as a substance that our bodies need. We can survive the lack of food but not lack of water. Therefore, water is the biggest part in the composition of the human body.

10. Balancing The Body
Lack of water will reduce the function of the organs of the body so that the body easily infected with bacteria, viruses. However, the human body has a mechanism to maintain a balance of water consumed and spent. Thirst for everyone is a normal mechanism to keeping water in the body. Water bodies require about 2 to 2.5 liters (5-10 cups) per day



Don't Touch Your Face

The habit of touching your face with your hands, face scratching, or wiping the sweat is a bad the habit of. Without us knowing the habit of touches include a cause of acne. Every day we do activities with hands that would cause the germs and dirt accumulate in the palm of the hand and fingers. When we touch the face of the germs and dirt from hand to face, clogging pores, causing acne.

It is very difficult to break the habit of touching your face. Suddenly there is an itching or discomfort in the face of the spontaneous hand will scratch or touch. Even scratching with dirty nails. All people would do such a thing.

How do we stop the habit of touching your face. Certainly very difficult. Keep practicing to break the habit.

Here are some simple tips that can be implemented to stop this habit.

Ask for help from friends
Ask a friend or someone who is near to remind us when we touch the face. With people often remind us that over time our memories will remind not to touch your face.

Get used to bring clean handkerchief or tissue
Always provide clean handkerchief or tissue so that we do not touch the face directly but by using a handkerchief or tissue. If we have had to touch the face and no handkerchief or tissue then use the back of the hands, although this does not guarantee you are free from dirt and germs

Wash face
Frequently washing your face with fresh water. This is so that the face is always clean and fresh so it is not easy to feel itchy so we are not tempted to touch the face.

Let us stop the the habit of touching your face with your hands. These simple tips will reduce the appearance of acne on your face. Hopefully useful.



Good Ways To Lose Weight

Losing weight seems to be a very tough thing to do. Many people want to lose weight but they do not try to find out about good tips because they think that losing weight is a torturous job.

There is actually a good way to lose weight that you can perform and integrate in your daily routine. Losing weight need not be difficult and artificial because there is a natural and easy way to get rid of unwanted fat.
tips for lose weight

The importance of good health and fitness beginning to be realized by many people. But they go into different ways of weight loss.Some people only pursuit a particular method to lose weight without finding out what
methods are safe and good for the body. If you really want to achieve your health goals, you must do so using a good ways to lose weight without harming themselves for unwanted effects. You should consider losing weight, but without having to sweating much and so tired.

Most people do the wrong thing in the diet. They think to actually reduce certain food in a certain amount of food consumed each day in order to get the weight loss.It is certainly not a good way to do it. Instead of depriving yourself of good things, add a healthy substitute for your food. For example, if you put in the milk sugar or sweetener in your morning oatmeal to taste it, why not just add a few pieces of fruit to provide natural sweetness to your breakfast? Depriving yourself of some food and even dangerous to your health because you are not getting enough nutrients for proper body function. With this, your body will become vulnerable to disease and illness.

When you think about losing weight, you think that you need to eat healthy and exercise. Healthy eating part may seem a bit easier, but the exercise may somehow be difficult. Work becomes difficult when you only consider exercising in the gym. The gym certainly offers a lot of different tools to tighten certain body parts. Although there are different exercise machines to choose from, you just think of exercise torture and you're going to be afraid to try.

Exercising does not have to be done in the gym alone. There are many ways, creative ways, lost luggage excess fat from your body. You can jog, go hiking, bike, washing the car, playing Frisbee, swimming, etc. Even doing simple chores, you can actually burn calories.

As mentioned earlier, there are some simple things you can do that will help you burn more fat and calories. One is through walking. For mothers who want to restore their sexy figures, placing the child in a stroller and walking together in the neighborhood or park. If you are not a mother, you can run your own (or bring your dog with you, if you have one) to burn calories while enjoying the fresh air in the garden. Walking just 10 minutes, twice a day, 30 minutes of practice you have to be fully enclosed.

Some people are not blessed with a garden or green, or the time to run. However, they are not exempt from this alternative healthy exercise. If you often use automatic electric mower, try using manual mower instead so you can use the power of your body to tend the grass. Skip the elevator ride to your office and up the stairs instead. Choose to get off the bus a few stops earlier so you can have a chance to walk.


Get Beautiful Skin With Body Brushing

To get a healthy and beautiful skin does not have to do expensive treatment. Only by 5 minutes every day. Have a soft and supple skin without applying expensive lotions.

Have you ever heard of body brushing?
The habit of brushing the body has been there for years, you may not hear much about it in the media. Why is that? Because it is very easy to learn, with just five minutes a day and you don't need to spend a lot of money for body treatment. Maybe this is the reason the press because it could have body care products will not be sold once people know about this secret. People just need to buy a good quality brush and don't need to buy anything else for body care. Dry skin brushing is the best treatment for dry skin.

Our skin is the largest organ in our body. Skin is also called the third kidney. That's because your skin is responsible for 1/4 of detoxifying your body. Your skin can eliminate 1-2 pounds of junk every day.

Dry skin problems experienced by many women with hypothyroidism, the skin has always been problematic due to the thyroid affects every organ of the body so that the skin is also affected. The skin becomes very dry to occasionally visible cracks. It was painful and it looks bad. Such skin condition can be treated with a brush for 5 minutes every day, and the skin will be better and your skin pretty back.

Let's look at the benefits of body brushing. Dry skin to open the pores of the body, so that your skin can more effectively eliminate toxins. Body brushing also stimulates the lymphatic system. It will also help your body to detoxify. Body brushing also stimulates nerve endings and promote natural healing pathways. Increased blood circulation, bring healing to your body. Body brushing can also help digestion, improve the appearance of cellulite and improve your immune system. The benefits of body brushing is not just skin deep. So what are we waiting for? Let's start brushing.

The first step is to buy quality natural bristle brush is good. Natural bristle is important because synthetic bristles can scratch your skin. Your brush should have a long handle so you can reach your back and shoulders.

Body brushing should be done on dry skin, with a dry brush. You should do it before your bath or shower, everyday for maximum results. When body brushing, you should use quick, light strokes. The idea is to start at your extremities, and brush toward your heart. I like to start with my palm, and brush up my arms toward the heart. I continue onto the shoulders, and then the waistline. I then do the other arm. Then, I start on the soles of my feet, working up each leg. The buttocks is brushed next, and finally the abdomen.

You should avoid the face, sensitive areas, and any broken skin. Facial brushing can be done with a brush specifically made for your face. A body brush too hard. If your skin turns red, you apply too much pressure. You should wash your brushes once a week, and allow it to dry completely before using.

So you can see that it is easy to get beautiful skin, even if you have hypothyroidism. All you need is a natural bristle brush, and about five minutes a day.

Cheap and easy method that you can apply in everyday life to get beautiful skin. No need to spend money to buy expensive skin-care products because not necessarily be good for our skin.



5 Simple Secrets To Get Back The Beauty

5 Simple Secrets To Get Back The Beauty. Perhaps you are troubled with acne, wondering about how to get beautiful skin. Greatly affect the appearance of acne. There is no reason to denigrate the appearance of your face because of acne. There is always an effective treatment that can be found on the internet. The problem is how we can find the right solution for acne while much information is there? Are you sure you are on medication recommended and appropriate for acne problem?
Here you will find the right answer. Keep reading.
beauty tips

So, if you're looking for a guarantee of what to do to cure acne on your face so that you can get back your pride among your peers, it is recommended that critical. Here we present a natural solution that is safe and easy to get back the beauty of your face.

Sometimes, a lack of desire to do the little things will put everyone at the mercy of the skin condition. Here, the little things matter if you really want to care and treatment with natural ingredients will always bring good results.

First of all you should know that face, beautiful or healthy skin is a function of both preventive and curative measures. Thus, with respect to this fact, here are 5 simple secrets that you need to remove acne from your face.

Apply The Power Of Water Therapy
This has been known by many people that all diseases can be cured or prevented by water. Drinking enough water every day. Of course, the water helps eliminate toxins from the body. Toxins can make your body prone to acne formation. You can also create a natural solution to the boiling water with some corn or fenugreek seeds and then drink it. It helps to clear acne fast!

Apply Raw Honey To Your Acne
Honey is a proven anti-bacterial agent and can be used as a face mask for acne every day. As a treatment for acne, apply on your skin overnight for great results.

Apply Therapy Essential Oils
There are natural oils that can be used as a natural remedy for acne. For example, the use of almond oil can help remove acne scars.

Apply Cold And Hot Compresses
Basically, use a hot compress for acne will work to eliminate swelling while a hot compress will work to open clogged pores. Once the pores open, you can apply other external solutions as suggested earlier to complete the healing process of your skin.

Apply the juice therapy
Juice of certain fruits helps to cure acne. Apply the juice of the lemon because it serves as an exfoliate that can clean up of oil secreted and dirt from your skin. Thus, the pores are open. In the same, you can apply apricot juice can help to eliminate acne lesions.

Additionally, it is wise to consider the fact that your cosmetic products (cream, lotion, make-up) should not be used often and often. They contribute to clogged pores, thus encouraging outbreaks of acne. Do not forget to clean your face every night before bed.

Finally, it is worth noting that the adoption of a natural remedy for acne is a step towards preventative measures that you should take as part of your skin care, rather than just relying on the use of cosmetic products. If you have to use beauty products, look for products made of natural materials.

Care and treatment with natural ingredients will always bring good results.
Good luck and hopefully useful to us.


Why Your Acne Treatment Is Not Working?

Many acne sufferers who complained of treatment is not bringing change in the face. The condition also affects the skin causing treatment failed to cure. Here are some reasons why the acne treatment is not working well.
Acne treatment

1. The products used are not meant for your specific acne. if you suffer from acne it is important to know what type of acne because this is the reason why the treatment can not be successful. Some products are made for a particular case and may not match the type of your acne so a treatment becomes ineffective.

2. You may not comply with usage guidelines acne medication. The manufacturers of these products usually do research and tests on skin care products to determine how the benefits can be gained from using a particular product. These studies are usually done in order to increase their profitability, but we can all use it to our advantage. So suppose guidelines for use of the product should be preceded by washing the face with warm water or apply the product twice a day and so on, then use the guidelines to be followed. In many cases the treatment will be successful if we follow suggested guidelines or at least closer than desired. So when you decide to do the the treatment of acne should follow the instructions. failure to follow instructions is one of the many ways that will be responsible for acne treatment is not working as it should.

3. The product may be expired. As obvious as this reason may be, many persons may overlook this. It is important that you check expiration dates on all of the skin care products. Some products may however not have this information but may have the year it was manufactured. As a rule of thumb try not to use products that have been manufactured more than 5 years ago. An indication of the potency of acne product may be evident by the consistency of the product. A product that is too liquid or too thick may be indicative of a problem. We all know the way our acne product looks if it deviates from the normal appearance then this may indicate expiration.

4. Treatment does not match your skin type. We may know that the skin has different types. There is a dry skin and oily skin and some acne products formulated for specific skin types. Suppose you have a dry skin might be having problems because the treatment of acne products are usually formulated for oily skin and products aimed to reduce the production of excess oil on the face. This causes people with dry skin will stop treatment because the treatment makes the skin is more problematic. So first identify your skin type before you buy acne products or contact your dermatologist first.



Beauty Tips: Easily Way To Fade Acne Scars

Many ways to get rid of the acne scars such as by looking for information on the Internet. Some of the information presented on the internet can work properly but some are not useful at all. It is important to find a way to diminish acne scars easily and without risk.
Whitening cream, modern chemicals can be used to diminish acne scars besides there also take the mode of operation, but both methods proved expensive.
Actually chemicals and the operation can be replaced by cheaper and simpler products such as olive oil vitamin E, rose oil, baking soda and lemon juice method. fig can be run alone at home and proven acne scars can fade easily and cheaply.
acne scars

Olive Oil Vitamin E And Rose Oil
Take pure olive oil that contains vitamin E, clean the face thoroughly first to remove dirt and excess facial oil. After that massage your face with olive oil three to four times a day. The healing properties of olive oil will not clog pores in the skin will cause skin problems in the future. This method is very safe and ideal for removing acne scars. The content of vitamin E in olive oil is very beneficial for moisturizing the skin. Rose oil is used every day is great for restoring freshness skin which will speed up fade acne scars.

Lemon Juice Method
Take one cup of fresh lemon juice and one cup water. Mix both ingredients into a bowl. After that, take a clean cloth, soak in the mixture is then rubbed on the face and let it dry. Repeat this method every day. This method will take longer but is not at risk and will encourage natural skin rejuvenation.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is a natural product, when mixed with water and applied to the face as a mask will prove to fade acne scars. This method is very efficient and good makes skin soft, fade acne scars and removes of dead skin cells.
All recipes are natural, safe and cheap can be made at home to fade acne scars. All materials can be found at the grocery store or drug store. The best time to apply this treatment is at night before sleeping because the healing process of the skin will be very good while the people sleep.


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