As I get older, I have begun to look more and more for natural ways to care of my body. I have done this for a few reasons. The first is that it’s usually healthier to use natural things rather than manufactured products containing chemicals and God knows what else. The second is it’s almost always if not always cheaper to do things naturally. Lastly, it’s surprisingly easier to mix together a few things from the grocery store rather than finding that one product in the store or ordering it online and waiting for it to arrive. Because of all of these things, we’ve posted about other uses for household items, natural beauty recipes using everyday foods, more natural beauty tips and more. Today, I bring you the plight that has plagued me for years and the ways I have discovered to treat acne naturally. Before you buy some more Clearasil, Neutrogena or Proactiv, give one or more of these ideas a try. I have not bought any acne products since discovering these recipes and I don’t think I ever will. Here are some of the best ones I’ve found to give you some natural help!
Apple Cider Vinegar or Rubbing Alcohol as Toner
Both of these are highly acidic, meaning they can kill dead skin cells and clean out pores very well, but you should be careful with them as well. They work just as well as any store-bought toner and are much cheaper. Rubbing alcohol is especially potent, though, so be sure to pay attention to your skin when using it. If it begins to dry your skin out, lessen the use of it. You can either use it less often or dilute the liquid with some water.
Honey as a Quick Fix
Honey is naturally antibacterial, which is why it’s used in many scrubs and facials. If you have a pimple that you need to be rid of by tomorrow, just put a dab of honey on it, then a band aid to keep it in place overnight. The next morning, the pimple will be gone or significantly smaller. You can also use honey by itself as a facial mask. Leave it on for an hour or longer if you wish to see a clearer complexion by the next day.
Toothpaste as a Quick Fix
If you don’t have any honey around the house, you’re sure to have some toothpaste. It must be white paste and not gel, though. Just cover the pimple in toothpaste and then put a bandaid over it before you go to bed. The pimple should be gone or much smaller by the morning.
Lemon Juice as Toner
Lemon works as a toner like apple cider vinegar and rubbing alcohol, but because it is so acidic, it can’t be left on your face for very long. Apply lemon juice to your face as a toner, and wash off after 15 minutes. In just 15 minutes, it will dramatically clean off the dirt, oil and dead skin on your face. Don’t use this one too often though.It’s a very strong treatment and because of that, your skin could become very sensitive to it if overused. It’s an extreme treatment for severe acne, so only use when necessary.
Brown Sugar Scrub
This is my personal favorite and what turned me onto using natural things rather than buying acne products. In the shower, once your skin is damp (and your pores have been opened up by the heat), scrub the acne problem areas with brown sugar. This will clean out dirt, dead skin cells and oil clogging your pores and soften your skin as well. The next day, you will see a noticeable change in your acne and your skin will be silky smooth. If you really want to get the most out of this scrub, apply a toner after you get out of the shower to truly clean out everything in your pores. Use this scrub only 2-3 times per month though, because it dramatically opens and cleans your pores. If you overuse it, your body may begin to overproduce oil and your acne could get worse.
Egg White to Remove Oil Crack 1-2 eggs in a bowl separating out the yolk from the egg white. Then, beat the eggs whites gently until consistant. Next, simple spread it over your face and let sit for 15-20 minutes. The eggs white remove excess oil from your skin.
Egg Yolk to Stop Pores from Clogging
Just as egg whites help acne, egg yolks have benefits as well. Most of the nutrients in eggs are found in the yolk and it’s very true for your skin. Eggs yolks contain lots of Vitamin A, which is comprised of retinoids. Retin-A, which is used in many beauty products (and you’ve probably heard of it on many commercials) is found in Vitamin A. It’s great for battling acne, because it helps regulate the amount of skin cells being produced, therefore preventing your pores from becoming clogged. Also found in Vitamin A is 13-cis-retinol, which helps regulate oil and bacteria production. So, a yolk battles all of your skin problems in one use. Just crack 1-2 eggs and separate the yolk from the egge white. Mix the yolks together then apply to your face. Within a few minutes the yolk will harden. Once hardened, let the yolk sit on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off. Besides the fact that it is a very cheap and useful treatment, this facial mask can be used as often as 1-2 times per week.
Freeze out Pore Problems This may sound odd, but one way to get rid of dirt, oil and dead skin cells is the freeze the pores. When pores get cold, they close up forcing out the dead skin cells, bacteria and oil. Once you’ve forced out the bad stuff from your pores, you can wash it all away to prevent it from spreading to another part of your face. Pack a plastic bag with ice, then wrap it in a hand towel. Place it on the problem area for at least 10 minutes. Once the spot is good and cold, use a face wash (and cold water) and then toner.
Garlic to Prevent Breakouts Smash two peeled garlic cloves into a pulp or until you can squeeze juice out of it. Apply the juice to your face and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. There’s not much science behind this treatment, but it does work. The good thing is that you can use this treatment as often as you want, but don’t leave it on for extended periods of time, because it may eventually burn your skin.
Mint to Soothe Skin
Mint contains menthol which is a natural anti-inflammatory. This means it takes away the red that plagues your skin when you have acne. You can use either mint oil or the juice of blended mint leaves. Just apply to the affected areas of your face or your entire face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with water. You can use this treatment as often as you’d like, too. Due to the fact that it is an anti-inflammatory, it won’t bother your skin.
- How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally
- How to Get Rid of Back Acne?
- Best Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Fast
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